Tips to Finding Better Candidates: Part Three|Tips to Finding Better Candidates: Part Three

Tips to Finding Better Candidates: Part Three

In parts one and two of a four-part series to help talent acquisition professionals find better candidates, we looked at ways to build an arsenal of marketing assets and channels, then refine the message to influence the ideal talent you want to attract.

In part three, we focus on nurturing finalist candidates by getting smart about the interview process and setting realistic expectations with candidates to avoid “buyer’s remorse” after they come on board.

Refine your interview process

Are you monitoring what candidates say about your company’s interview process and flow?

From a brand perspective, the interview process is often the first real touch and impression a candidate has of an employer’s reputation. That makes it critical to train and remind hiring managers and other stakeholders performing interviews to reflect your culture and organizational values set out in your employer value proposition (EVP).

Meanwhile, are you responding publicly when someone notes a bad interview experience, such as interviewers arriving late or unprepared?

Sixty-nine percent of users agree their perception of a company improves after seeing an employer respond to a review, according to a Glassdoor U.S. Site Survey, October 2014.

Evaluate response rates to job listings

Eighty-six percent of Glassdoor users say they are either actively looking for jobs or open to better opportunities.

With such a hot job market, recruiters and hiring managers need to track how many job candidates apply to job openings. This helps set realistic expectations with management each time you promote (and budget for) new ones.

There’s another benefit: If you notice a particular opening is performing well below your benchmark response, say 20 percent, it’s time to revamp the job description or requirements. Doing more market research to see how competitors promote similar jobs can help, too.

Set realistic expectations

After taking a new position, 61% of employees say they’ve found aspects of a new job different than expectations set during the interview process, according to a Glassdoor/Harris Interactive Survey done in May 2013.

To help minimize “buyer’s remorse” on the part of new hires, think upfront transparency—96 percent of job seekers on Glassdoor, in fact, say it’s important to work for a company that embraces transparency.

Before candidates arrive for interviews, research your competition—how do they position themselves when it comes to culture or work/life balance?—then the best ways to position your own company to win over your target talent. Highlight strengths but also be honest about the challenges at your organization.

Just as marketers nurture business prospects who may not be quite “ready to buy,” savvy recruiters nurture and engage top candidates down the recruiting funnel. As noted above, that includes imparting a positive experience with your employer brand.

Because whether or not a candidate decides to work for you, great word of mouth can lead to the right hire.

Coming Next: Part 4: Optimizing Your Strategy

Meanwhile, for more helpful recruiting advice, download our new guide, 25 Tips to Finding Better Candidates.