8 Talent Trends to Watch in 2021

Posted by The Jacobson Group

The past year was one of ongoing change, redirection and flexibility. Insurers faced many challenges and had to evolve their ways of operating, communicating and servicing customers. As we enter 2021, priorities are continuing to shift and companies are adjusting their talent strategies to be most impactful.

Empathy, agility, inclusivity and innovation are all key themes for the coming year. Below are a few areas to explore with a fresh lens as your organization continues to adapt to the next normal. For more on the trends impacting 2021, download our full Insurance Talent Trends Guide.

1-innovationLeaders champion change and drive innovation.
Business as usual is no longer an option. The most successful companies will embrace change and emerge evolved, stronger and ready to compete in the new landscape. Successful leaders will be able to motivate their employees and encourage new ways of thinking and operating.

2-cultureCulture is redefined to accommodate the virtual environment.
A strong corporate culture is built around company values, communication, inclusion and empowerment. While this may have occurred more naturally in a physical office, achieving the same impact within virtual and hybrid environments requires enhanced creativity and commitment.

3-remotehiringInsurers become comfortable with remote hiring.
For many insurers, the transition to remote recruiting began in March. However, while the first few months likely brought hiccups and temporary fixes, hiring managers will need to approach virtual recruiting with a long-term lens in the new year.

4-onboardingOnboarding plans are restructured.
Insurers have had to reevaluate their onboarding programs to ensure individuals are set up for long-term success. Without the energy of a brick-and-mortar space, managers must determine how to best build momentum and keep individuals engaged with their roles from day one.

5-DEIDEI is more important than ever before.
If DEI hasn’t been a priority these past several months, it should be front and center moving into 2021. A variety of backgrounds and perspectives provides a competitive edge and more accurate insight into an organization’s customer base. However, organizations must approach diversity efforts with intentionality and a focus on equity and inclusion to make an impact.

6-transparencyExecutives become more accessible and transparent.
The coming year will continue to show the human side of leadership as organizations build trust and provide reassurance through transparency and empathy. By being accessible and open, leaders can help encourage employees to talk openly about their challenges and needs, while helping to ease fears about the state of the company and the security of their own roles.

7-hybridHybrid workforces become the rule.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made hybrid workforces the rule, not the exception. Departmental and team leads will be tasked with understanding their short- and long-term needs, while determining the appropriate staffing solutions to achieve their overall goals.

8-infinityProfessional and personal lives continue to be intertwined.
Organizations are meeting the expectations of their staff and providing flexible schedules, adjusted work weeks and remote options. Rather than attempting to revert to traditional 9 to 5 workdays, forward-thinking insurers will instead focus productivity.

View the full 2021 Talent Trends Guide for more on how insurers are adapting their talent strategies to remain competitive in the new year.