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Technical interview

Top technical interview platforms in 2024 [15 top performers]

Technical interview

In 2024, technical interview platforms have become indispensable in the tech hiring landscape.

These platforms offer an innovative approach to assessing technical skills, streamlining the recruitment process to make it more efficient and effective.

For recruiters, understanding the capabilities and advantages of these platforms is crucial in identifying and hiring the right talent.

Similarly, candidates in the tech industry benefit from being familiar with these platforms, as they are increasingly used to evaluate technical abilities and problem-solving skills.

The role and impact of these platforms are significant, as they not only facilitate a more accurate assessment of candidates’ skills but also enhance the overall efficiency of the hiring process in the tech sector.

Evolution of technical interview platforms

The evolution of technical assessment platforms from basic coding tests to sophisticated systems integrating AI and machine learning mirrors the dynamic nature of the tech industry.

This progression has been driven by the demand for more nuanced and accurate evaluation methods.

As the industry’s requirements have become more complex and specialized, these platforms have adapted, incorporating advanced technologies to provide deeper insights into candidates’ abilities.

This shift towards more intricate assessment tools demonstrates a response to the evolving landscape of tech skills and the increasing importance of precise and comprehensive evaluation in the recruitment and development of technical talent.

Core features of leading platforms in 2024

Modern technical assessment platforms are equipped with advanced features that cater to the diverse needs of the tech industry.

These include real-time coding environments, which allow candidates to demonstrate their skills in a dynamic and interactive setting.

AI-powered analysis of candidate performance is another key feature, providing detailed insights into their abilities and areas for improvement.

Additionally, these platforms often have customizable assessment libraries, enabling organizations to tailor tests to specific job roles or skill requirements.

These features collectively enhance the platform’s effectiveness in accurately evaluating technical competencies, making them invaluable tools for both hiring and skill development in the tech sector.

Comparing top technical interview platforms


Highly regarded in the industry, DevSkiller distinguishes itself through its exceptional real-life testing environments.

This unique feature allows DevSkiller to simulate actual work scenarios during technical assessments, providing a more accurate reflection of a candidate’s practical skills and problem-solving abilities.

This approach is particularly beneficial in evaluating how candidates handle real-world challenges they would face in their roles.

One of the standout features of DevSkiller is its extensive support for a wide array of programming languages and technologies.

This versatility enables the platform to offer relevant and comprehensive testing for a diverse range of technical positions.

Whether it’s a developer proficient in mainstream languages like Java and Python, or a specialist in niche technologies, DevSkiller can effectively assess their technical prowess.

Customization is another key strength of the platform. DevSkiller’s customizable tests allow organizations to tailor assessments to align perfectly with their specific job requirements.

This customization ensures that the testing process is not just a generic evaluation, but a targeted assessment that closely matches the skills and knowledge required for a particular role.

The platform’s automated scoring system is a critical feature, ensuring an objective and unbiased evaluation of candidates.

This automation removes the possibility of human error or subjectivity, leading to fair and consistent results.

Additionally, DevSkiller’s robust anti-cheating measures safeguard the integrity of the assessment process. These measures ensure that the results accurately reflect a candidate’s true abilities, making the hiring process more reliable and trustworthy.

DevSkiller is also known for its user-friendly interface, which is designed to provide a stress-free testing experience for candidates.

This thoughtful design helps to reduce test anxiety, allowing candidates to perform at their best. The interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making the assessment process as smooth and efficient as possible.

Finally, the comprehensive reports and analytics offered by DevSkiller are invaluable tools for employers.

These reports provide deep insights into candidates’ skills and competencies, going beyond mere test scores to offer a detailed analysis of strengths and areas for improvement.

Such detailed feedback is instrumental in making informed hiring decisions and can also be used for identifying areas for development in existing employees.

In conclusion, embracing DevSkiller represents a forward-thinking approach to skills-based tech hiring, offering an innovative and efficient solution for identifying top talent.

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This platform provides a comprehensive solution with live coding features, enabling interactive technical interviews. It has gained popularity for its extensive library of coding challenges and a real-time coding environment.

This functionality allows interviewers to observe candidates as they code live, offering a dynamic and immersive assessment experience.

The real-time aspect of the platform not only facilitates a more engaging interview process but also gives a clearer insight into a candidate’s problem-solving and coding skills as they unfold.

This makes it an effective tool for companies seeking to evaluate technical talent in a more hands-on and interactive manner.


Codility is well-known for its online coding tests and also offers live interview capabilities.

This feature allows interviewers to observe candidates’ problem-solving processes in real time, an aspect that is crucial for evaluating suitability for technical roles.

The live interview component of Codility adds a dynamic dimension to the assessment, enabling a more interactive and insightful evaluation of a candidate’s coding and analytical skills.

This real-time observation is invaluable for employers looking to understand not just the result of a candidate’s coding efforts, but also their approach and thinking process during problem-solving.

Interview Mocha (iMocha)

This platform provides a broad range of technical assessments and includes a video interview feature, enhancing its versatility.

It covers various types of evaluations, including coding tests, aptitude tests, and more, catering to a wide array of assessment needs.

This combination of diverse technical assessments with the added dimension of video interviews allows for a more comprehensive evaluation process.

It’s particularly useful for organizations seeking to gain a deeper understanding of candidates’ skills and abilities, not just through written tests but also through direct, interactive communication.


LeetCode is favored for interview preparation and also facilitates technical interviews with its large collection of coding problems.

This platform is ideal for assessing algorithmic and problem-solving skills, providing a comprehensive resource for both candidates preparing for interviews and employers seeking to evaluate technical proficiency.

LeetCode’s extensive problem set covers a wide range of difficulty levels and topics, making it a versatile tool for gauging a candidate’s ability to tackle complex coding challenges and think critically under pressure.


Developed by Google, this platform adopts an innovative approach to technical interviews, with a focus on practical engineering skills.

It offers a structured interview process that emphasizes the real-world application of engineering knowledge and techniques.

This approach ensures that candidates are evaluated on theoretical understanding and their ability to apply engineering principles in practical scenarios.

The platform’s design caters to the need for a more holistic and effective assessment of a candidate’s suitability for engineering roles, aligning closely with the industry’s evolving requirements.


Triplebyte is recognized for its comprehensive assessment approach, which evaluates candidates on a range of technical skills that extend beyond just coding.

This thorough method provides a detailed understanding of a candidate’s overall abilities.

By encompassing a wider spectrum of technical competencies, Triplebyte’s approach ensures a more complete evaluation, capturing the multifaceted nature of a candidate’s skill set.

This is particularly valuable for identifying individuals who possess a well-rounded technical proficiency, essential in today’s diverse tech landscape.


This platform offers a standardized testing environment designed for conducting real-world coding interviews. Its primary aim is to reduce hiring bias and focus on practical coding skills.

By providing a uniform and controlled setting, the platform ensures that all candidates are assessed under similar conditions, promoting fairness in the evaluation process.

This approach is particularly effective in highlighting a candidate’s actual coding abilities, as it emphasizes hands-on skills and problem-solving capabilities, which are crucial for technical roles.

The platform’s commitment to reducing bias and concentrating on practical skills makes it a valuable tool for organizations striving to make objective and skill-based hiring decisions.


Vervoe is an AI-driven platform that evaluates technical skills through realistic tasks and challenges, effectively simulating on-the-job scenarios.

This approach provides a more accurate and practical assessment of candidates.

By replicating real-world working conditions and problems, Vervoe offers insights into how candidates would perform in actual job situations.

This method goes beyond traditional testing by focusing on applied skills and problem-solving abilities, crucial for today’s dynamic work environments.

The AI component enhances the efficiency and precision of the assessment process, making Vervoe a sophisticated tool for evaluating technical proficiency.


This platform specializes in project-based assessments, a video interviewing platform enabling interviewers to evaluate candidates through real coding projects.

This method offers deep insights into the candidates’ practical coding abilities.

By focusing on actual project work, the platform allows for a more authentic demonstration of a candidate’s coding skills and problem-solving approach.

This type of assessment is particularly effective in revealing how a candidate manages complex coding tasks and navigates the challenges commonly encountered in real-world programming environments.


Pluralsight is well-known for its comprehensive skill assessments and also provides tools for conducting technical interviews, covering a wide range of technology domains.

This multifaceted approach enables a thorough evaluation of candidates’ technical abilities across various areas of expertise.

Pluralsight’s platform caters to the diverse needs of the tech industry, offering resources that help assess proficiency in multiple technological fields.

This makes it a valuable tool for organizations seeking to understand the depth and breadth of a candidate’s technical skills in a detailed and structured manner.


This platform offers IT skill tests and coding exercises, making it highly suitable for technical interviews and assessments across various tech-related fields.

Its wide range of tests and exercises are designed to evaluate the competencies required in the technology sector, providing a comprehensive tool for assessing candidates’ abilities.

This versatility makes it an ideal resource for companies looking to hire technical professionals, as well as for individuals seeking to demonstrate their expertise in the field.

The platform’s focus on relevant and practical skills ensures that assessments align closely with the real-world demands of the tech industry.


This platform provides a wide array of tests and assessments, including coding and programming challenges, making it a highly useful tool for conducting technical interviews.

The variety of tests available caters to different levels of technical expertise, allowing for a tailored evaluation of candidates’ abilities in specific areas of programming and coding.

Its comprehensive approach to testing ensures that companies can accurately assess the technical skills of potential hires, while candidates get the opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency in a structured and challenging environment.

This platform’s focus on diverse and relevant assessments makes it an integral resource in the technical recruitment process.

Mettl (now Mercer Mettl)

This platform offers a variety of online assessments, encompassing technical and coding tests, which are suitable for a broad spectrum of industries and technical roles.

Its diverse range of evaluations is designed to cater to the specific needs of different sectors, ensuring that the assessments are relevant and applicable to various professional contexts.

This makes it an invaluable resource for organizations seeking to accurately assess the technical skills and competencies of potential employees, as well as for individuals looking to demonstrate their expertise in their respective technical fields.

The platform’s comprehensive approach to online testing provides a versatile solution for a wide array of technical assessment needs.

Aspiring Minds (now SHL)

Known for its AI-powered assessments, Aspiring Minds offers a range of technical tests and interview tools, focusing on identifying the best talent through innovative testing video interviewing methods.

Each platform brings its unique strengths to technical interviewing, ranging from live coding environments to AI-driven assessments.

The choice of the right platform depends on the specific requirements of the hiring process, the technical roles being filled, and the desired depth and nature of the assessment.

Integration with recruitment tools and workflows

These technical assessment platforms are designed to seamlessly integrate with existing recruitment tools, significantly enhancing the efficiency of hiring workflows.

This integration facilitates a smoother recruitment process, allowing for the consolidation of candidate information and assessment results in one place.

The potential for bias in AI-driven assessments is a concern, as it can affect the fairness and accuracy of the evaluations.

Moreover, it enables data-driven decision-making, as recruiters and hiring managers can access and analyze comprehensive data on candidates’ technical abilities.

This feature is particularly valuable in the tech industry, where the precision and depth of skill evaluation are critical.

The ability to streamline the hiring process while also making informed, data-backed decisions represents a substantial advancement in recruitment technology.

Challenges and ethical concerns

Despite the numerous benefits offered by these technical assessment platforms, they face significant challenges such as addressing bias in AI algorithms and ensuring data privacy and security.

The potential for bias in AI-driven assessments is a concern, as it can affect the fairness and accuracy of the evaluations.

Efforts to identify and mitigate these biases are crucial to maintain the integrity of the assessment process.

Additionally, the security and privacy of candidate data is a paramount issue. These platforms must adhere to stringent data protection standards to safeguard sensitive information and maintain user trust.

Addressing these challenges is essential for the continued effectiveness and reliability of these platforms in the tech industry.

Future trends and developments

The future of technical interview platforms is poised to be significantly influenced by further advancements in AI and machine learning.

These technologies are expected to bring about major changes in the tech hiring process.

As AI and machine learning algorithms become more sophisticated, they will likely enable more in-depth and accurate assessments of candidates’ skills and potential.

This could lead to a more efficient and effective matching of job candidates with appropriate roles, streamlining the recruitment process.

Additionally, these advancements may introduce new ways of evaluating candidates, such as through more complex problem-solving scenarios or predictive analysis of a candidate’s future performance.

The integration of these advanced technologies promises to enhance the capabilities of technical interview platforms, making them even more integral to the tech hiring landscape.

Expert perspectives on technical interviews

Interviews with HR professionals and tech leaders, combined with industry analysis, provide a comprehensive view of both the current and future state of technical interviews.

These insights, drawn from experts at the forefront of hiring and technology, offer valuable perspectives on the evolving trends, challenges, and advancements in the realm of technical recruitment.

By examining the experiences and expectations of those who navigate these processes daily, a well-rounded understanding of how technical interviews are changing and what they might look like in the future is achieved.

This multifaceted approach video interviewing solution ensures a thorough grasp of the complexities and dynamics shaping technical interviews in the tech industry.

Case study

Criteo, a leading global commerce media company listed on NASDAQ as CRTO, is renowned for enhancing commerce outcomes through its cutting-edge Commerce Media Platform.

This platform not only connects a myriad of marketers and media owners but also fosters richer consumer experiences, ranging from product discovery to purchase. Significantly contributing to an open internet, Criteo powers advertising that is both trusted and impactful, further promoting a landscape ripe for discovery, innovation, and choice.

However, Criteo faced notable challenges in its operations. One major issue was an inefficient screening process for technical candidates, primarily due to a home-based case study approach.

This method not only caused difficulties in tracking and provided limited insights, but also led to delays in the hiring process. Additionally, Criteo experienced a concerning rate of candidate drop-offs, which resulted in the loss of potential talent and elongated recruitment times.

Compounding these challenges was the inconsistency in screening procedures across various teams and locations, which adversely affected both the quality of evaluations and the candidate experience.

These obstacles highlighted the need for a more streamlined and uniform approach to candidate assessment within Criteo’s recruitment framework.

Feedback from users and industry professionals

User testimonials and survey data serve as valuable sources of feedback on the effectiveness and user satisfaction of these technical assessment platforms.

By collecting and analyzing responses from actual users, companies can gain insights into how these platforms are perceived in terms of usability, efficiency, and overall value.

Technical interview platforms have become pivotal, significantly shaping the way technical skills are assessed and impacting hiring decisions

Testimonials often provide real-life examples of how the platforms have impacted recruitment processes or skill assessments, while survey data can offer a broader, quantifiable perspective on user satisfaction and areas for improvement.

This feedback is crucial for platform developers to refine and enhance their offerings, and for organizations to make informed decisions about which platforms might best suit their needs.

Best practices for implementing technical interview platforms

For recruiters considering the implementation of these technical assessment platforms, various recommendations are provided to ensure a smooth and effective integration into their hiring processes.

These suggestions might include advice on selecting the most suitable platform based on specific hiring needs, strategies for effectively incorporating these tools into existing recruitment workflows, and best practices for interpreting and utilizing the data generated by these assessments.

Additionally, there are tips available for candidates preparing for technical interviews using these platforms.

These tips often focus on how to best showcase technical skills, familiarize oneself with the types of challenges and questions typically presented, and strategies for effectively demonstrating problem-solving abilities in a virtual or automated testing environment.

Both sets of guidance aim to optimize the candidate experience and outcomes for users on either side of the recruitment process.

Final word

Technical interview platforms have become pivotal, significantly shaping the way technical skills are assessed and impacting hiring decisions.

These platforms have revolutionized the recruitment process, providing a more efficient and accurate means of evaluating candidates’ technical abilities.

Their influence extends beyond just the assessment phase; they also play a crucial role in guiding hiring decisions, ensuring that companies can make informed choices based on comprehensive evaluations of technical competencies.

This shift towards technology-driven assessments marks a significant evolution in the field of tech recruitment, highlighting the growing importance of these platforms in the overall hiring strategy of tech companies.

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