Hireserve launches new CV Anonymisation Module

Leading recruitment software provider Hireserve is pleased to be able to offer CV Anonymisation, a new tool designed to remove unconscious bias from the recruitment process and boost D&I initiatives.

From personal information such as name or address through to employment history and education timelines, the Hireserve CV Anonymisation tool enables hiring companies to customise the level of anonymisation that they wish to adopt.

This means that hiring managers will only have access to specific, relevant information when reviewing CVs in the Hiring Manager Portal, removing any risk of potential bias affecting the candidate selection process.

Unconscious bias is a normal part of human nature but can impact the search for the best and brightest talent, unintentionally colouring people’s judgement, and potentially impacting drives to recruit a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

With the CV Anonymisation tool, any information that might trigger unconscious biases can be removed, providing a completely equal and impartial playing field for all applicants.

Once a candidate has been confirmed for an interview, their original, unaltered CV will be released for hiring managers and others involved in the interview process, so they have a complete understanding of who an applicant is before meeting with them.

Andy Betts, Product Manager at Hireserve, commented:

“We know how important it is for organisations to build more diverse and inclusive workforces. Eliminating bias is difficult, especially as most people are not consciously aware of how those biases effect their decision making. We wanted to solve that with a tool that completely removes those concerns for in-house recruitment teams, simply delivering equity and fairness”.

About CV Anonymisation: Anonymization is a method used in both agency and in house recruitment teams to effectively redact personal identifiable information (PII) from a CV, and eliminate the risk of biases impacting a hiring decision.

About Hireserve: Established in 1997, Hireserve was acquired by The XCD Group in 2021. Hireserve provides applicant tracking technology to a wide range of organisations, enabling in-house recruitment teams to manage their end-to-end recruitment process online, from job creation through to offer.

About the author

Tristan Potter

Tristan has a decade's worth of experience writing content and copy for organisations across Bristol and the Southwest of England. He has written on a diverse range of topics, including technology, philosophy, politics, and recruitment. His writing has appeared in The Drum, HR Grapevine, and The Guardian, among other publications. He joined Hireserve in March 2022.