Tip #3 From Best Place to Work Winners|Tip #3 From Best Place to Work Winners

Tip #3 From Best Place to Work Winners

In the past few weeks, we’ve shared two tips from Glassdoor’s 2016 Best Places to Work winners. Each year, we work to uncover the secrets from Best Places to Work winning companies. This year, the main themes thus far have been creating a winning culture, focusing on your people and drum roll please... investing in the right perks!

In today’s third and final part of this series, we’re talking about investing in the right perks -- and how to decide which perks are a good fit for your organization.

Invest in the right perks

Perks are not a one size fits all. Each company should determine perks that are valuable to their employees to enable them to do a better job.

In this video, three winners discuss their secret to selecting the right perks at their organization. Both Earl’s Kitchen and Madwire found that just autonomy alone can be one of the most valuable perks to employees. Similarly, Airbnb offers its employees a perk that is directly in line with the company’s mission of making traveling easier so people can belong anywhere. Take a look:

For more on what it takes to become a Best Place to Work, download our DNA of a Best Place to Work eBook.