16 Tech Jobs That Have a Gender Pay Gap, and 8 Things You Can Do About It

16 Tech Jobs That Have a Gender Pay Gap, and 8 Things You Can Do About It

Data is a powerful tool for uncovering insights that employers can address in their quest to create a better workplace. Salary data is no exception. While many tech companies think they’re paying everyone equally for equal work, upon analysis they find out that unconscious bias creeps into how they hire, promote, and give raises.
Recent Glassdoor research confirms the gender pay gap in tech is real. Even when controlling for age, education, experience, occupation, industry, location, company, job title and more, the adjusted gender pay gap in the tech industry is still 5.9% in the U.S. That’s slightly above the national adjusted pay gap of 5.4%. Women in tech, on average, earn $0.94 for every $1.00 men earn. For a $100,000/year salary, that’s $6,000 that could help a female worker pay off student loans, pay for a child’s summer camp, or put toward myriad other uses if she were on par with her male colleagues.

When we looked at 16 technology jobs,* 3 out of 4 (75 percent) had adjusted gender pay gaps that were above the adjusted U.S. pay gap. Adjusted gender pay gaps range from 28% for computer programmers to 1.9% for hardware engineers. When men are earning $28,000 more than women against a $100,000 a year computer programmer salary, it’s time to take action.

Here are some things your company can do to ensure pay equality:

Analyze the data

Look at overall salaries at your company for men and women across similar positions, while accounting for experience, education level and location. Then examine promotions, raises and bonus distributions. For a further analysis of gender disparity at your company, look at the gender split by department and managerial levels.

Make equitable offers

Studies show that women are less likely to negotiate and may even be penalized for it. Make offers on the established salary range and the candidate’s level of experience. Basing offers on previous salaries may unfairly disadvantage women if they were already underpaid.

Distribute raises and bonuses equally

Unconscious preferences for people “like me” can leave women out of consideration if a male manager engages in extracurricular activities like golf or gaming with his male direct reports. Make sure skills, performance and bonus eligibility are being evaluated based on objective goals, not personal preferences.

Give equal opportunity to men and women in leadership training

Sometimes women are led down different career paths than men because of the unconscious assumptions of the manager, or simply because they are not asked. Equip managers to provide training and mentorship opportunities to men and women equally. Also, as you have turnover, make sure to ask exit interview questions to learn more about your current programs.

Measure over time

Once you’ve figured out where your company would like to improve on its commitment to equal pay, make sure to revisit the data at least every year to see where you can make more improvements.

Embrace salary transparency

In our eBook, Glassdoor’s Guide to Salary Conversations, we define salary transparency as being transparent about your company’s approach to determining offers, giving raises and promotional increases as well as distributing bonuses and equity. By being clear with candidates and employees upfront, you’ll save a lot of uncomfortable conversations later.

Get educated

Our eBook, What To Do About The Gender Pay Gap provides statistics and tips to help you manage pay disparity. Share important data points with managers and leaders to create a movement toward pay equality at your company and root out unconscious bias. For even more data, check out our research study, Demystifying the Gender Pay Gap. And for tips directly from the experts, look for actionable advice from Stanford’s Clayman Institute for Gender Studies.

Take the equal pay pledge

Show employees and candidates that your company is committed to equal pay by signing the Equal Pay Pledge on Glassdoor. When 9 in 10 employees from around the globe believe men and women should be paid equally for equal work and experience, it’s a great way to let candidates know that they can expect to be treated fairly if they choose to work at your company. 

Submit your company for the Pay Equality Pilot Program 

Recognizing the value gender pay gap analysis has to other companies, we’ve launched a pay equality pilot program. Developed to help other companies examine their own pay practices through anonymized and confidential economic analysis, employers interested in being considered may submit their companies for consideration.


Tech Industry Gender Gap by Occupation

Occupation Adjusted Gender Pay Gap Percentage
1. Computer Programmer 28.3%
2. Game Artist 15.8%
3. Information Security Specialist 14.7%
4. Software Architect 10.6%
5. SEO Strategist 10.2%
6. Front-End Engineer 9.7%
7. Database Engineer 9.7%
8. SharePoint Developer 9.2%
9. Systems Technician 8.3%
10. Data Analyst 7.2%
11. Systems Administrator 6.8%
12. Software Engineer 6.0%
13. Programmer Analyst 5.2%
14. Product Manager 4.3%
15. Mobile Developer 2.9%
16. Hardware Engineer 1.9%