Announcing New Glassdoor Product Releases and Updates
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Announcing New Glassdoor Product Releases and Updates

Profile Enhancements

Company Updates

We’ve increased the character count from 250 to 1100 so you can share longer updates with your followers and use larger images for your messages to really stick.

company updates

Invite Coworkers

When logged into the Glassdoor Employer Center,  you now have the ability to invite colleagues to access all the great data and reports you use every day.

invite new users

Custom Job Listings

If you have a Select Enhanced profile you can now customize the company branded content that shows up on a job listing so specific roles you’re looking to target see only the information most relevant to them. For example, if you’re targeting UX Designers, when they look at a job you’ve sponsored on Glassdoor, you could show them information about your design culture within the Company tab.

job listings

Reporting & Analytics

Interview Trends

If you have an Enhanced profile you now have the ability to see how your data for Experience, Offers, and Cycle Length are trending over time. To give you more insight over time, new date and competitor comparison filters have been added to the existing Interview Trends report.


Ratings Trends  

If you have an Enhanced profile you now have the ability to  CSV download your ratings and have better insight into your trends over a longer window of time.


Employer Level Reporting

You can now view performance by job title for subsidiaries within your account. Filter results to track job title performance by company/brand.

job performance

Report Sharing

When logged into the Glassdoor Employer Center, you now have the ability to share reports with all of your colleagues.  By entering their email address and sending the report,  they will have access to the same insights within seconds!

report sharing

We look forward to sharing more exciting product announcements next month! Until then, subscribe to our blog for the all the latest industry news.

Have a question? Interested in learning more? Give us a ring (888) 355-9323