Infographic: How to Reach Job Seekers

Infographic: How to Reach Job Seekers

One thing is indisputable: today’s job seekers want more information. And Glassdoor has the authentic insider perspective they want, which is why over 45 million(1) people look for jobs on Glassdoor.

Why Use Glassdoor

With our new TV and radio ad campaign, we reach them 8 ways to (literally) Sunday:

1. Radio ads

2. TV ads

3. Mobile app

4. Job alert push notifications

5. Job search

6. In the news

7. Email job alerts

8. Job networks

As you know, Glassdoor is already one of the largest and fastest growing job sites in the U.S., and we believe that our TV and radio ads will only broaden awareness and further empower people to find that job they love with a company they feel great about. Read more about our new ad campaign test – and check out our infographic on everywhere your next great hires interact with Glassdoor.

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