Why investing in your employees is the best decision you can make

Constant improvement is the key to success in today’s highly competitive world. And although some leaders like to think that they’re indispensable, it’s quite important to remember that any company is only as strong as its weakest link. That’s why investing in your employees is such an essential aspect of running a thriving business.

If you’re not sure why you should be spending time and resources on your employees, here are the top ways you can benefit this kind of investment.

1. Increase productivity

There’s one thing everyone wants more of, and that’s productivity. Managers are under constant pressure to increase the efficiency with which their teams complete assignments. But, even though tech and software can make a big difference, one of the most beneficial things for increasing productivity is working on job satisfaction.

Research shows that happy employees could be 30% more productive than those dissatisfied with their place of employment, which is why it’s so important to invest in their well-being.

Even during the recruitment process, look for ways to identify the things that provide the most motivation to your employees. For some, this can be a better work-life balance; for others, it might be the prospect of advancement, and some people will be best motivated by monetary compensation. Once you know what makes your employees happy, see how you can provide it. You’ll see the benefits in no time.

2. Develop skills that will drive your business forward

In addition to being a great way to motivate, employee education can also provide your business with key advantages over your competition. Whether that’s doing something more quickly, being able to communicate better with international partners, or knowing how to create innovative solutions to common customer problems, it’s definitely worth the cost.

You can allow your team to choose the skills they wish to focus on, or you can provide them with training in areas you deem to be the most beneficial to your company. The great thing is, there’s a huge variety of online courses nowadays, and this type of educational opportunity doesn’t have to be expensive nor time-consuming.

3. Plan for the future

For most entrepreneurs, the idea is to create a team that will be future-proof: one which will grow as the company does. To do this, however, you’ll need experienced individuals in leadership positions who’ll be able to work to move your company forward in a way that’s true to your vision.

In practice, this is much easier to do when you’ve got a team that you trust. So, in addition to giving your employees opportunities to develop their professional skills, it’s also not a bad idea to actively invest in interpersonal relationships.

You can facilitate trust through organizing team building activities, encouraging open communication, and practicing an honest and supportive environment for everyone. It will take time, but you’ll see that the result will be worth it.

4. Increase employee retention

Bringing on new people can be expensive, and it can mess with your existing team dynamics as well. Which is why you should be looking to create a workplace that people want to work for in the long-run.

Whether you achieve this by providing a well-designed workspace, offering great perks, allowing employees to work from home, or encouraging personal passion projects, you’ll see that investing in this aspect of your company will ultimately show better results.

Additionally, you might also find that it’s the thing that makes your business desirable to new talent.

5. Focus on employees to increase profits

Finally, if you’re still not convinced that you should be investing in employee job satisfaction, this last reason might change your mind.

As you’re probably aware, a happy worker is one who will be more engaged in their job. Not only will they be more productive, but they’ll also be less likely to be absent, and more likely to invest effort into making customers happy. This type of customer-oriented effort will, consequently, result in higher levels of customer satisfaction and, thus, loyalty.

According to a 2013 Gallup survey, companies with higher employee engagement rates were 22% more profitable than their lower-performing counterparts. A pretty significant amount, anyone will agree.


No matter what aspect of your business you’re looking to improve, it’s never a bad idea to focus on the people you work with. Whether you want to increase productivity, customer satisfaction, and profits, or you just want to form a team that will be able to effectively drive your company forward, investing in your employees is definitely the way to go.

Sarah Kaminski

Sarah Kaminski is a freelance writer and social media marketer. She works with a number of small businesses to build their brands through more engaging marketing and content.

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