50 Best Jobs in America 2017 - Glassdoor for Employers
50 Best Jobs in America 2017

50 Best Jobs in America 2017

The 2016 U.S. job market was one of the healthiest in decades, with rising pay, record numbers of unfilled jobs and historically low unemployment. What does this mean for employers? It’s time to step up your hiring game to attract top talent since there has been no better time for a career change. If you are looking to hire, check out the 50 Best Jobs in America 2017(1). And if you are looking to hire in the UK, here are the 25 Best Jobs in the UK 2017(2).

Data Scientist claims the top spot for the second year in a row in the U.S., followed by DevOps Engineer and Data Engineer. Jobs including Dental Hygienist, Corporate Recruiter and Pharmacy Manager are new to the list this year.

Ready to fill those job openings? You might want to overhaul your recruiting process first to beat the competition. Here are some tips and guidelines:

Improve your Employer Brand

Do your research and read reviews, opinions and comments posted by job candidates, current and past employees. It’s also important to take action and claim your business on Glassdoor and unlock your company profile for free. This will not only allow you to respond to reviews, but you’ll also be able add company details, include a mission statement and provide information about perks and benefits.

When you are ready, respond to reviews to show your commitment to improving. Come up with a plan of attack, including guidelines, and best practices that adhere to your brand. And don’t forget to nurture and monitor your online brand. Find some time in your day or week to proactively manage reviews; and use the information available to build trust and credibility.

Ground all employees in the company’s mission

Connect everything back to your company mission, so when you are looking to grow your workforce, look for people who are excited to share your values. It’s important to strive to make your employees feel like the company’s culture is something they own. And that employees have the power to protect and shape it.

Focus on employee strengths

Strive to designs roles and teams that help people do work they’re naturally great at and love doing. Employees are more fulfilled and they tend to stay longer if they’re doing work that fits their strengths and makes meaningful impact.

Never stop learning

Find time and opportunities to select new growth challenges and openly share the progress with your employees. Focus on growth – personal and professional, embracing failure, and learning from both successes and mistakes. Hard conversations should be encouraged, and feedback is viewed as a gift. When feedback is given and received with good intent, employees learn and grow. Being open goes both ways.


(1)Methodology: Glassdoor’s 50 Best Jobs in America report identifies specific jobs with the highest overall Glassdoor Job Score. The Glassdoor Job Score is determined by weighing three factors equally: earning potential (median annual base salary), overall job satisfaction rating, and number of job openings. Results represent job titles that rate highly among all three categories. The Glassdoor Job Score is based on a 5-point scale (5.0=best job, 1.0=bad job). For a job title to be considered, it must receive at least 100 salary reports and at least 100 job satisfaction ratings shared by U.S.-based employees over the past year (1/2/16-1/1/17). The number of job openings per job title represents active job listings on Glassdoor as of 1/1/17. This report takes into account job title normalization that groups similar job titles.

(2)Methodology: Glassdoor’s 25 Best Jobs in UK report identifies specific jobs with the highest overall Glassdoor Job Score. The Glassdoor Job Score is determined by weighing three factors equally: earning potential (median annual base salary), overall job satisfaction rating, and number of job openings. Results represent job titles that rate highly among all three categories. The Glassdoor Job Score is based on a 5-point scale (5.0=best job, 1.0=bad job). For a job title to be considered, it must receive at least 30 salary reports and at least 30 job satisfaction ratings shared by UK-based employees over the past year (2/1/16-1/1/17). The number of job openings per job title represents active job listings on Glassdoor as of 1/1/17. This report takes into account job title normalisation that groups similar job titles.