What stage is your employer brand? - Glassdoor for Employers
employer branding quiz

What stage is your employer brand?

Tips for moving up

As outlined in our Employer Branding report, here's how to get to the next level:

How to move from Stage 1 to Stage 2: Do you have a defined employer brand? Look at your employee experience strategy. Invest in understanding your workforce and what employees and job seekers want. Chart a course to get there - authentically, honestly, and transparently.

How to move from Stage 2 to Stage 3: Assess if the employee experience matches promises made in job listings and throughout the interview and hiring process. If there is a disconnect, your employer brand may not feel authentic to job seekers. Look for ways to bridge the gap and focus on improving company culture.

A key finding from our research: Many organizations set out to create a meaningful employee experience. But there's a disconnect between what employers are doing and what employees expect - especially regarding underrepresented groups.

How to move from Stage 3 to Stage 4:  Foster collaboration and conversation (yes, even remotely) to drive talent attraction and employee satisfaction, engagement, and advocacy. This is the stage where you really build a strong culture.

Find out how to take your employer branding efforts to the next level by downloading our Employer Branding report.