Building recruiter resilience will be key in 2023

In the aftermath of such a challenging few years, economic and market uncertainty show no signs of slowing down. December 2022 saw the jobs market continue to shrink, while even the biggest recruitment businesses are forecasting significantly reduced profit.

That’s why so many recruitment businesses are focusing on the things they can control. Not finding opportunities where they flatly don’t exist. Not crossing their fingers that the impending recessions don’t come to pass.

More than ever, the focus needs to be on your people: the recruiters that make everything you do possible. And if there’s one trait that will be critical to your success this year, it’s resilience.

Why recruiter resilience matters

Across our own customers, we’ve seen consistent challenges in an uncertain market. Recruiters are facing more objections than normal, struggling to fill a limited number of roles with a limited number of candidates. Unemployment remains low and many would-be clients are tightening their belts and bracing for their own market challenges.

With so many rejections, recruiters need to think strategically, build their relationships, and engage the market with real creativity. But, more than anything else, they just need to keep going day after day.

Recruiters who are tenacious and driven will be the ones to weather the storm and come out on top. Building healthy resilience will be vital – and effective learning and development can help.

The factors that influence resilience

At work and in life, our resilience is influenced by a huge number of variables. It’s why there are days when you can take bad news – and days when forgetting your keys is enough to push you over the edge.

For recruiters, training and professional development can help address three of these factors:

  1. Belief in your capability

It’s not enough for recruiters to know their stuff. True resilience is only possible when people feel confident about their abilities and able to silence any self-doubt and uncertainty.

The Juice platform gives every recruiter a way to improve their knowledge, but more structured, formal training can have a significant effect on this confidence. Government funded apprenticeships and recruiter qualifications don’t just teach new ideas. They give recruiters an objective measure of success and capability. So even when the day has been a bust, they know it’s the market – not a personal failing.

  1. Embracing change

The market is always changing and your recruiters need to do the same. While we all love our routines, the most successful recruiters will navigate uncertainty by adapting to new challenges.

Making comprehensive training available to your recruiters, anywhere and at any time, empowers them to keep learning and try new ways of working. With Juice, recruiters get a go-to source of expert information, whether they’re moving through a structured journey or need advice on a specific topic.

With 2,000 videos, 400 episodes and 85 courses, Juice makes it easy for recruiters to adapt.

  1. Finding the progression

There’s little more disheartening than a day of calls that ultimately leads to nothing. It’s here that the resilience and performance of your recruiters is most under threat. But learning and development offers a way for recruiters to progress, even when their sales activity slows to a crawl.

With unique learner pathways based on specific roles, every recruiter can be progressing through a collection of curated, relevant content. At the same time, you can use our development programmes and qualifications as part of your structured career progression – giving recruiters the sense of fulfilment and achievement they need to be at their best.

Learn more about our award-winning platform


Recruitment Juice

If you’re not already a Recruitment Juice customer and would like to find out more about our products and how the Reward Centre integrates, please do not hesitate to get in touch: email or call us on +44 (0)8700 677 567

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