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10 new jobs created with AI in the workplace

Explore 10 emerging AI-related job roles that offer exciting opportunities in a rapidly evolving landscape. This insightful article will guide you through each unique position, helping you stay ahead in this fast-paced, technology-driven world.

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10 new jobs surfacing in the age of AI

Our increasing reliance on AI technology is birthing new, cutting-edge professions, each designed to harness, guide, or make sense of the AI advancements.

We’ve collected 10 of these new AI-related jobs for you, with short descriptions for each.

Many of these cool openings can be found on the Workable Job Board, where we’ve linked some opportunities for you to dive right into the AI job market for insights whether you’re an employer or a jobseeker.

1. Prompt Engineer

As AI technologies become more sophisticated, there’s a rising demand for professionals who can fine-tune the way we communicate with AI systems. This is the role of a Prompt Engineer, who can craft effective prompts that not only assist with AI training but also deliver the desired results.

Successful prompt engineering involves understanding the nuances of specific AI models and crafting prompts accordingly. This role doesn’t necessarily require a computer science degree, but it does require creativity and a mastery of language.

Teams that a Prompt Engineer might work with include product development, AI training, and customer experience teams. The current advertised pay rates for a Prompt Engineer can range from $250,000 to $335,000 per year.

2. AI Trainer

The AI Trainer‘s role has emerged in response to the growing use of generative AI systems in industries such as customer service. The AI Trainer assists the AI platform in learning about the business and fine-tuning its responses to sound more human.

The aim is not to replace human interaction but to enhance the AI’s ability to interact with the world. This role does not necessarily involve direct interaction with customers but focuses on aiding the AI system.

Potential areas of work for an AI Trainer include customer service, AI development, and quality assurance teams.

3. AI Auditor

With the rise of AI applications, the need for accuracy and fairness has become paramount. The AI Auditor‘s role is to ensure the AI’s output is not only interesting and useful but also unbiased and accurate.

Their work involves identifying and mitigating any biases in the AI systems, a task that’s increasingly becoming a legal requirement in some jurisdictions.

AI Auditors might work closely with data science, legal compliance, and AI development teams to ensure the highest ethical standards are upheld.

4. AI Ethicist / Ethics Expert

AI Ethicists are responsible for ensuring that AI is used in a safe and ethical manner. They work on reducing bias and increasing fairness in algorithmic systems, a critical need as AI technology becomes more pervasive.

They’re tasked with ensuring the responsible and ethical use of generative AI.

Teams that AI Ethicists might collaborate with include legal, AI development, and diversity and inclusion teams. Their demand is high in the market right now, as ethical AI grows in the overall conversation.

5. Machine Manager

As AI extends beyond text-based interactions to controlling hardware and systems, Machine Managers are needed to oversee AI-operated hardware and systems.

Given the complex nature of the work, this role usually requires a computer science degree and experience in the field where the AI is being used.

Machine Managers could work closely with AI development, operations, and hardware maintenance teams. The pay for this role can vary, with top salaries ranging to as high as $251,000 a year.

6. Data Detective

In the wake of the data explosion triggered by AI systems, Data Detectives are professionals who analyze and interpret this vast amount of data effectively.

The work of a Data Detective involves using statistical and machine learning techniques to identify patterns and insights within the data, which are crucial components in the development of accurate and efficient AI models.

Data Detectives might work with data science, AI development, and business intelligence teams.

7. Cybersecurity Analyst

The increased use of AI also introduces novel threats, necessitating the role of the Cybersecurity Analyst.

These professionals protect against AI-driven cyberattacks, requiring a blend of technical expertise, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Cybersecurity Analysts must be capable of navigating the complex intersection between AI technology and cybersecurity principles. Teams that a Cybersecurity Analyst might collaborate with include IT security, risk management, and AI development teams.

8. AI Business Strategist

With more companies adopting AI, there’s a need for professionals who can align AI strategies with business goals and objectives.

The AI Business Strategist is such a professional, possessing a deep understanding of both AI technology and business strategy. They can analyze a company’s existing operations, identify areas where AI can be effectively applied, and develop a strategic plan.

AI Business Strategists might work with executive leadership, business development, and AI development teams.

9. Data Broker

Data Brokers are professionals who manage the vast quantities of data produced by AI systems. They are tasked with cleaning, organizing, and interpreting this data, converting it from raw form into actionable insights.

This role requires a strong understanding of data structures and data analysis techniques, as well as the ability to translate these insights into terms that decision-makers within an organization can understand.

Potential areas of work for a Data Broker could include data analysis, business intelligence, and AI development teams.

10. AI Explainer

AI Explainers serve a critical role in demystifying complex AI technologies for individuals and organizations that may not have extensive technical knowledge. They translate the intricacies of AI systems into understandable terms, aiding people in comprehending how AI operates and how it can be advantageous for them.

This role requires strong communication skills, a deep understanding of AI technologies, and the ability to relate these concepts in a non-technical manner. AI Explainers might collaborate with education, public relations, and AI development teams.

This is just the beginning

By turning the AI disruption into an opportunity, we can not only create jobs but also ensure that AI develops in a way that is ethical, transparent, and beneficial to all.

Whether you’re hiring in the space, transitioning to new roles, or just someone with a keen interest in AI, these roles offer fascinating insights into the cutting edge of the transformative technology.

Check the Workable Job Board for AI-related job opportunities if you’re looking, or for an idea of what other companies are hiring for if you’re planning your own workforce.

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