Open Communication In the Workplace: Why It Matters More Than You Think

Open Communication In the Workplace: Why It Matters More Than You Think

Good communication is vital to business operations and a clear flow of information is important to productivity. When there is a two-way communication between managers and employees, everyone has a chance to contribute.

A business climate where open communication is encouraged helps in developing a more collaborative, engaged workforce. Informed employees will have a better understanding of business goals and their own role in the company mission. A culture of sharing information also helps in recruiting and retaining new talent.

Below, you’ll discover how keeping communication channels open will help you to develop a stronger workforce and culture.

Contributes to A Positive Workplace Culture

Tasks are more meaningful when employees understand how their efforts bring value to the company. A positive workplace culture includes communicating company developments, constructive feedback, and being open to employee input. Open and transparent communication tells your workforce that they have more value to you than simply being productive. As a result, they look forward to new challenges, happy co-workers, and a culture that values contributions.

A 15Five survey found that 81 percent of workers would rather have an employer that provides open communication than one with perks like great health plans or free gym memberships. Therefore, having a vibrant company culture that promotes open communication can be a determining factor in recruiting top job candidates.

When recruiting talent, you want your business to be seen as a great place to work. A dull, boring environment is only a good fit for dull, boring employees. But if your company can provide a stimulating environment through open communication and positive attitudes, you’re more likely to attract employees who want to make a difference.

When candidates are looking for good jobs, they expect a company that’s empathetic and friendly, keeps them informed, and cares enough to ask for their opinions. With this in mind, remember to treat potential candidates with the same respect you’d show your customers.

Builds Trust

Creating trust between management and the workforce is accomplished through open communication. Based on the 2014 APA (American Psychological Association) Work and Well-Being Survey, only half of participating workers felt that their employer was honest with them. Nearly one-quarter of workers didn’t trust their leaders.

Closed communication tends to lower trust. To make communication during recruitment more productive, engage the candidate more deeply by using personalized messages and keeping them informed beyond the occasional update. Talk about their job role and invite feedback. Being straightforward with candidates is the best way to build confidence in your company.

Open dialog will also encourage candidates to be more honest with you. This can save both sides from assumptions and misunderstandings that could lead to bad hiring decisions. Hiring the wrong person is not only a waste of time and money but also detrimental to the trust and engagement of existing employees. On the other hand, if you’re open with candidates about your company values and expectations, applicants will decide whether your company is a good fit for them.

How to Foster a Culture of Open Communication

The chief obstacle for many employees is that they seldom have the opportunity to discuss their jobs with management. They feel intimidated or fear repercussions if they speak out. Open-door policies allow employees to feel comfortable in discussing issues. If your workers know they can turn to you whenever troubles arise, it may prevent personal issues from becoming major problems. Making yourself approachable on a human level also builds more employee trust and dedication.

Face-to-face communication is important for personal connections, but the right tools will save time and effort for more streamlined workflows. Sharing ideas, documentation, and data is more efficient through software. This is especially true for remote workers who are trying to contribute from miles away or across time zones. Promote the culture of open communication by using applications that help track the progress of multiple projects, synchronize schedules, meet deadlines, and balance workloads.

For those working in-house, one way to improve communication and collaboration is through well-organized workspaces. Companies typically fill up their office areas with partitions and cubicles that only make employees feel more isolated. This limits communication and lowers enthusiasm. Find ways to make your office space more open and more fun. Employees will feel more connected with each other.


Making open communication part of your company culture will benefit you in many ways. It will improve your hiring decisions, make employees feel more connected, and build trust between your workforce and management. Employee satisfaction isn’t possible without a positive company culture, and establishing methods of open communication is a central part of a healthy atmosphere.

Ashley Wilson

Ashley Wilson is a freelance writer interested in business, marketing, and tech topics. She has been known to reference Harry Potter quotes in casual conversation and enjoys baking homemade treats for her husband and their two felines, Lady and Gaga

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