3 TikTok Stars That Will Help Uplevel Your Career

3 TikTok Stars That Will Help Uplevel Your Career

We’ll be the first to admit it, we definitely got swept up in the TikTok craze, especially during COVID. Don’t worry, it’s not just a platform for Gen Z; the beauty of TikTok is that your mindless scroll might teach you a new dance or it might lead to career advice that changes your life – or at least helps you double your salary. 

TikTok is a surprising resource with relevant, free, and easy-to-digest advice from experts on any broad or niche subject you can imagine.

To no surprise, we love HR Tok and the amazing subject matter experts out there helping people ace their next interview, get that promotion or raise, and impress their peers. We rounded up some of our favorite creators who will hopefully help you uplevel as you journey through your professional life. 

Sit back, relax, and find a comfy spot – the TikTok rabbit hole awaits.

@coachemrez on Interview Advice

Does your heart skip a beat every time your interviewer asks you the dreaded question, “So, tell me about yourself.” TikTok has you covered. Storytelling coach, @coachemrez will arm you with a foolproof formula to help you master those questions and land your dream gig. She provides you with easy do’s and don'ts that will help you craft your professional story.  

Now, back to the question. When answering “Tell me about yourself,” Coach Emrez suggests that you break it down into three parts: 

  1. Who you are now: she warns not to go into too much detail about the past as recruiters are looking for a fresh perspective. 
  2. What makes you qualified for the role: she suggests that you use this as a chance to highlight recent achievements. 
  3. Why are you here: she suggests you wrap up your answer sharing why this particular opportunity is intriguing to you. 

Check out her page and watch as your interview worries disappear.

@breakyourbudget on Promotion Advice 

Landing that promotion or raise is no easy task, but @breakyourbudget provides you with action-oriented tips that will help you document your way to your next title jump. She’s found her niche in task tracking and encourages her audience to create comprehensive brag sheets that detail all of an individual's projects and responsibilities. She believes these tracking sheets are the secret to illustrating how an individual's responsibilities have evolved over time and their ability to add value to an organization. As a bonus, her incredible tasking tracking google sheet templates are available to download.

If you have an upcoming focal or mid-year review, she’s your gal. She will inspire you to go into your review meetings prepared with examples on how you exceeded and arm you with questions that will leave you with clarity on what you need to do to get to the next level. If you’re able to implement her tracking solutions, Break Your Budget will help inspire upward mobility in your career. 

@herfirst100k on Compensation Advice 

Let’s face it, money conversations are awkward for nearly everyone, except for maybe Tori Dunlap, otherwise known as @herfirst100k. Tori has taken the internet by being radically transparent about her own wealth accumulation and her mission to make other women rich. While she mostly provides financial and investment advice, she has become an invaluable resource to those who want to negotiate their salaries prior to accepting a new role or help initiate compensation increase conversations. 

As an example, in one of her viral videos, she provides an outline of what to say during an interview when a recruiter inevitably asks what your salary requirements are. Tori guides people to say, “I don’t know the full scope of the role yet to accurately price myself, but I’d love to know your budget.” 

As you ingrain yourself into her community it’s incredible to see how small tips like these have given her audience the confidence to land a salary well above what they were looking to achieve. If you’re looking for help guiding uncomfortable but necessary conversations, Tori will help you find confidence in candid money conversations and will help you recognize your worth.

Looking for more HR content? Check out our other article on the best HR podcasts to listen to in 2022.

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