Diversity in SaaS Companies

June 7, 2022
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Diversity in the corporate world is a hot topic raising complex questions. No matter where the company is based, or how advanced the conversation about inclusion might be, diversity remains a somewhat challenging goal to achieve or work towards, even if the process seems simple in theory.

1- The benefits of diversity and inclusion

But no matter how hard it currently is, the benefits and potential of diversity and inclusion in the workplace are beginning to display a business value employers can’t ignore. A diverse workforce goes beyond morality and corporate responsibility, disrupting traditional models, and providing the company with new business opportunities.

From a strategic point of view, a diverse workforce influences the direction of operations, the process leading to its success, and present an enticing software company for potential employees, business partners, and industry experts.

Team members of different ethnicities provide a previously non-existent point of view, global perspectives, stories, and mindset. Their unique background, social experience, values, and morals can be the catalyst for new innovative initiatives within the company, especially for the SaaS example.

2- Expanded target demographics 

To put this into perspective, it’s vital to understand that a SaaS company’s goal is to make its products available for global use. More often than not, these companies focus on clear and defined markets where demand for their products is acknowledged and established, where the majority of their clients are located. In this scenario, secondary markets that haven’t been explored become a lost unreachable cause, simply because there’s nothing to bridge the gap between software and consumers that might not know they need it, speak its language, or notice its existence.

A diverse workforce can catalyze change in this regard, providing input on local markets, consumers, audience preferences, and needed adjustments. They are also capable of bypassing the language barrier, further enriching the company linguistically.

The targeted audience automatically expands for the marketing and sales teams allowing them to reach, understand, and speak to new demographics. This goes for consumers just as well as it does partners and business collaborators, covering both b2b and b2c endeavors.

3- Innovative point of view

Innovation isn’t always the result of visionary acumen or a Master’s degree in business development. It’s often found in individuals with a unique perspective, or those who have experienced the need for a certain solution and found available software lacking in one regard or another. This can range from language support and localized payment methods to specific features and user experience.

Taking our own company as an example, Manatal’s diverse nature had an immediate effect on software optimization and client satisfaction. It allows our sales team to speak the client’s language, to understand their needs on a deeper level. It also affects the priorities that our software developers outline in their day-to-day operations, allowing Manatal’s ATS to grow and accommodate customer needs.

Diversity can also influence the process itself. Industry experience in different regional markets can give managers an idea of where to localize improvement. This can include different understandings of the software’s development potential or a different approach to problem-solving to name a few.

4- Workplace & company culture

The benefits of diversity in this regard are twofold. First, it affects the company on an internal level. Once such measures are in place, it’s been shown that the workplace becomes more productive. Consequently, diversity correlates with better business results, increasing revenue, and testing the limits of industry earnings.

An article in the Harvard Business Review (David Rock and Heidi Grant, Ph.D.) outlines the results of research conducted in the US, UK, Central America, and Canada. It displays clearly that socially diverse teams tend to be more productive, and actively produce more innovative products and ideas than homogenous teams would.

Additionally, diversity’s effect on a SaaS company’s culture can be external. It reaches the various audiences that any company would be fortunate to cultivate an interest in. Targeted clients become a lot more diverse in background, location, and languages, providing a rare opportunity for large scale global growth.

But most importantly, diversity provides an opportunity to simplify future recruitment by spreading awareness of the company’s nature, its inclusion, and its potential. In fact, it helps the marketing team frame their tone and message around the team’s diverse nature. This leads to rising interest from potential employees, going as far as to maintain a passive flow of qualified talent that can be leveraged at any time.

At this point, companies find themselves able to grow beyond their traditional business model while building an enticing company culture and atmosphere. Companies aiming to scale should begin by analyzing how they can incorporate diversity and inclusion into their day-to-day operations, and building a strategy that effectively improves talent recruitment and retention, company culture, targeted audience, and business opportunities.

Diversity has been at the heart of our company since incubation and we are proud to lead in this regard. Not only does it help to innovate at a fast pace, but also gives us the means and the knowledge to deliver Manatal’s recruiting software services to countless companies in over 70 countries.

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Bill Twinning
Talent Resources & Development Director - Charoen Pokphand Group
Manatal is the best ATS we worked with. Simplicity, efficiency and the latest technologies combined make it an indispensable tool for any large-scale HR team. Since its adoption, we've seen a huge increase across all our key recruitment metrics. To summarize, it is a must-have.
Ahmed Firdaus
Director - MRI Network, Executive Search Firm
I've been using Manatal for the past couple of months and the platform is excellent, user-friendly and it has helped me a lot in my recruitment process, operation and database management. I'm very happy with their great support. Whenever I ask something they come back to me within minutes.
Dina Demajo
Senior Talent Acquisition - Manpower Group
Manpower has been using Manatal and we couldn't be happier as a team with the services this platform has provided. The application is extremely user-friendly and very well equipped with all the useful functions one would require for successful recruitment. The support team is also excellent with very fast response time.
Edmund Yeo
Human Resources Manager - Oakwood
Manatal is a sophisticated, easy-to-use, mobile-friendly, and cloud-based applicant tracking system that helps companies achieve digitalization and seamless integration to LinkedIn and other job boards. The team at Manatal is very supportive, helpful, prompt in their replies and we were pleased to see that the support they offer exceeded our expectations.
Maxime Ferreira
International Director - JB Hired
Manatal has been at the core of our agency's expansion. Using it has greatly improved and simplified our recruitment processes. Incredibly easy and intuitive to use, customizable to a tee, and offers top-tier live support. Our recruiters love it. A must-have for all recruitment agencies. Definitely recommend!
Ngoc-Thinh Tran
HR Manager, Talent Sourcing & Acquisition - Suntory PepsiCo Beverage
I am using Manatal for talent sourcing and it is the best platform ever. I am so impressed, the Manatal team did an excellent job. This is so awesome I am recommending the solution to all recruiters I know.
Bill Twinning
Talent Resources & Development Director - Charoen Pokphand Group
Manatal is the best ATS we worked with. Simplicity, efficiency and the latest technologies combined make it an indispensable tool for any large-scale HR team. Since its adoption, we've seen a huge increase across all our key recruitment metrics. To summarize. it is a must-have.
Ahmed Firdaus
Director - MRINetwork, Executive Search Firm
I've been using Manatal for the past couple of months and the platform is excellent, user-friendly and it has helped me a lot in my recruitment process, operation and database management. I'm very happy with their great support. Whenever I ask something they come back to me within minutes.
Dina Demajo
Senior Talent Acquisition - Manpower Group
Manpower has been using Manatal and we couldn't be happier as a team with the services this platform has provided. The application is extremely user-friendly and very well equipped with all the useful functions one would require for successful recruitment. The support team is also excellent with very fast response time.
Kevin Martin
Human Resources Manager - Oakwood
Manatal is a sophisticated, easy-to-use, mobile-friendly, and cloud-based applicant tracking system that helps companies achieve digitalization and seamless integration to LinkedIn and other job boards. The team at Manatal is very supportive, helpful, prompt in their replies and we were pleased to see that the support they offer exceeded our expectations.
Maxime Ferreira
International Director - JB Hired
Manatal has been at the core of our agency's expansion. Using it has greatly improved and simplified our recruitment processes. Incredibly easy and intuitive to use, customizable to a tee, and offers top-tier live support. Our recruiters love it. A must-have for all recruitment agencies. Definitely recommend!
Ngoc-Thinh Tran
HR Manager, Talent Sourcing & Acquisition - Suntory PepsiCo Beverage
I am using Manatal for talent sourcing and it is the best platform ever. I am so impressed, the Manatal team did an excellent job. This is so awesome I am recommending the solution to all recruiters I know.

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