Recruiting Talent For the Future

June 7, 2022
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The recruitment industry is constantly evolving and recruitment professionals must continually adapt and respond to these changes or risk falling behind their competition. 

To achieve this, there needs to be extensive knowledge of the industry trends. With this knowledge, it is critical to have a strong awareness of how to leverage the best of its features in order to benefit an entire organization.

In this article, we’ll cover the recruitment trends we believe will take over hiring in the next 10 years with some tips on how you can best prepare for this shift and get one step ahead of everybody else. 

Recruitment in the past

The recruiting world was a very different place before cell phones, computers, and the Internet. There were no online job boards where new positions could be published, allowing them to reach hundreds of thousands of potential individuals. It was a difficult effort for a recruiter to market and fill a job after they had worked hard to secure it. To have their job vacancies posted and eventually filled, they would rely on word of mouth, and adverts in local media. 

There were also no internet databases to record all applicant information. Thus, filing cabinets and folders would have been commonplace in the office. And in the absence of the Internet or emails, obtaining a CV had to be done via post, fax, or meeting a candidate face to face, which was crucial during the registration process. Needless to say, there was plenty of paperwork involved in such processes.

Recruitment today

Despite the economic uncertainties that have characterized over the past year, the recruiting sector has grown. Today, recruitment is not just the backbone of business continuity, but also a critical lifeline for industries facing acute talent shortages. Take cybersecurity for example, where the talent supply is narrow, and the demands from the industry itself have risen to unprecedented levels, owing to the increased use of digital technologies and more people working remotely. 

While talent is readily available, recruiters are faced with stiff competition. In a candidate-driven market, recruitment professionals and hiring managers run against time to hire the best candidates for their critical business needs. 

In this sense, technology - which today has transformed a significant number of traditional jobs - becomes critical for recruiters as well from two points of view. One, that recruiters need to keep themselves updated on the technologies and trends that affect career paths of their candidates, as well as those that will be implemented in the future within their organizations. This allows for recruiters to become forward-thinking in their planning and strategizing of recruitment activities now and in the near future. 

Two, recruiters themselves are becoming more and more technologically savvy with the use of recruitment tools, technologies, software and artificial intelligence to speed up their hiring. In today’s talent space, there is little room for lengthy deliberation, especially for ‘hot jobs’ in the tech sector. 

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Recruitment for today

In terms of recruiting, mobile optimized recruitment will pave the way for the future. This means that recruiters should be able to distribute their job vacancy posts on platforms and channels that are used frequently by their target audience. In other words, plenty of marketing tactics have become increasingly needed in recruitment today, and will likely stay on the same trajectory over the next decade. 

Social media for example, is one way that recruiters today are taking to ensure their job posts are getting the most visibility based on candidate behaviors on digital platforms. Social media pages, like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram have become a great way to attract candidates and present a company’s employer brand at the same time. 

One-click-application buttons will continue to be vital since they make applying for jobs on mobile devices simple. 

A follow-on career page is also vital as it serves to not only give a glimpse of what working life at a company can be like, but also provide a more holistic knowledge of the employer’s vision, mission and business direction. The corporate brand experience may be the deciding factor for a candidate.

How recruitment will change in the next 10 years

With recruitment changing its method, positioning and also role in the market, we now see vibrant and engaging strategies used to hire the best people in a competitive field. 

Here are three ways recruitment will change in the following decade:

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Going digital

If digital marketing isn't currently a component of your recruiting strategy, now is the moment to seriously consider it. It's also something to consider while selecting a recruitment firm. A smart recruiting firm will have a specialized digital marketing team that works closely with recruiters to ensure that the job reaches the right prospect at the right time.

A single job ad - posted on a single channel - today will not be as successful as it once was in reaching the right candidate, especially for passive candidates who are not actively looking out for new roles. It may attract a few prospects, but more often than not, those individuals will be already visiting your website and seeking job vacancies.

The future is video

Video interviews are no longer merely a supplement to the hiring process. They've evolved into an essential component of many firms' hiring processes, and they’re here to stay. Hiring managers are starting to meet prospects through video now that hiring freezes are beginning to melt. It's no longer a matter of need or social distancing standards; it's the new normal - a much speedier approach to getting into a larger talent pool.

AI enters the process

Artificial intelligence (AI) for recruiting is used to shortlist your applicants, and in the process and automate manual, time-consuming activities. This technology is intended to expedite or automate some aspects of the recruiting process, particularly those that are repetitive and high-volume.

Your ATS's data is also used by AI recruiting tools to generate insights into your talent pool. Recruiters may use artificial intelligence to aid with blind screening to prevent prejudice and visibility into previous successful applicants who have stayed with the company.

RELATED: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Recruitment Technology

Enter the future of recruitment with Manatal

Another trend we’re seeing when it comes to the future of recruitment is the application of different tools supporting human decisions, such as applicant tracking systems featuring artificial intelligence (AI) solutions.

Manatal is a service that helps you and your team save time and money on different recruitment-related tasks. Here are some of the features we offer that will make your life easier as a recruiter:

Easy job posting

The chances of finding and recruiting the ideal individual increase when open jobs are shared and distributed across as many relevant channels as possible, including job boards and social media platforms. However, choosing platforms and completing each site's registration process is not only time-consuming but also chaotic.

Manatal will share a job ad on every social media site and other job-searching sites with just one click. Each site and the company's website have a consistent and branded job posting.

Improved employer branding

Manatal allows recruiters, especially those who need support to enhance their career pages, to customize their very own career pages. Logos, photographs, videos, and personal toned paragraphs can all be used to help produce a website that matches the company's brand image, both as an employer and a business.

It's an excellent tool for employer branding since it demonstrates the company's beliefs and encourages individuals to work for them. 

Improve hire quality

Manatal is powered by cutting-edge technology that can compare hundreds of thousands of CVs to find the top applicants for every particular position. It also employs semantic search algorithms to ensure that no candidate is ignored and that the best placement selections are always made.

Manatal not only enhances the quality of the application process by being a professional and dependable platform, but it also increases the quality of the whole process. 

A well-prepared and interview process is ensured when using Manatal - it streamlines the process and helps recruiters integrate calendars and use team chats to ensure everyone is kept in the loop on time. 

Start recruiting with Manatal ATS now! Click HERE to start your 14-day free trial and improve your hiring with Manatal to supply your organization with top talents in the field today.

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Active recruiting teams.
Bill Twinning
Talent Resources & Development Director - Charoen Pokphand Group
Manatal is the best ATS we worked with. Simplicity, efficiency and the latest technologies combined make it an indispensable tool for any large-scale HR team. Since its adoption, we've seen a huge increase across all our key recruitment metrics. To summarize, it is a must-have.
Ahmed Firdaus
Director - MRI Network, Executive Search Firm
I've been using Manatal for the past couple of months and the platform is excellent, user-friendly and it has helped me a lot in my recruitment process, operation and database management. I'm very happy with their great support. Whenever I ask something they come back to me within minutes.
Dina Demajo
Senior Talent Acquisition - Manpower Group
Manpower has been using Manatal and we couldn't be happier as a team with the services this platform has provided. The application is extremely user-friendly and very well equipped with all the useful functions one would require for successful recruitment. The support team is also excellent with very fast response time.
Edmund Yeo
Human Resources Manager - Oakwood
Manatal is a sophisticated, easy-to-use, mobile-friendly, and cloud-based applicant tracking system that helps companies achieve digitalization and seamless integration to LinkedIn and other job boards. The team at Manatal is very supportive, helpful, prompt in their replies and we were pleased to see that the support they offer exceeded our expectations.
Maxime Ferreira
International Director - JB Hired
Manatal has been at the core of our agency's expansion. Using it has greatly improved and simplified our recruitment processes. Incredibly easy and intuitive to use, customizable to a tee, and offers top-tier live support. Our recruiters love it. A must-have for all recruitment agencies. Definitely recommend!
Ngoc-Thinh Tran
HR Manager, Talent Sourcing & Acquisition - Suntory PepsiCo Beverage
I am using Manatal for talent sourcing and it is the best platform ever. I am so impressed, the Manatal team did an excellent job. This is so awesome I am recommending the solution to all recruiters I know.
Bill Twinning
Talent Resources & Development Director - Charoen Pokphand Group
Manatal is the best ATS we worked with. Simplicity, efficiency and the latest technologies combined make it an indispensable tool for any large-scale HR team. Since its adoption, we've seen a huge increase across all our key recruitment metrics. To summarize. it is a must-have.
Ahmed Firdaus
Director - MRINetwork, Executive Search Firm
I've been using Manatal for the past couple of months and the platform is excellent, user-friendly and it has helped me a lot in my recruitment process, operation and database management. I'm very happy with their great support. Whenever I ask something they come back to me within minutes.
Dina Demajo
Senior Talent Acquisition - Manpower Group
Manpower has been using Manatal and we couldn't be happier as a team with the services this platform has provided. The application is extremely user-friendly and very well equipped with all the useful functions one would require for successful recruitment. The support team is also excellent with very fast response time.
Kevin Martin
Human Resources Manager - Oakwood
Manatal is a sophisticated, easy-to-use, mobile-friendly, and cloud-based applicant tracking system that helps companies achieve digitalization and seamless integration to LinkedIn and other job boards. The team at Manatal is very supportive, helpful, prompt in their replies and we were pleased to see that the support they offer exceeded our expectations.
Maxime Ferreira
International Director - JB Hired
Manatal has been at the core of our agency's expansion. Using it has greatly improved and simplified our recruitment processes. Incredibly easy and intuitive to use, customizable to a tee, and offers top-tier live support. Our recruiters love it. A must-have for all recruitment agencies. Definitely recommend!
Ngoc-Thinh Tran
HR Manager, Talent Sourcing & Acquisition - Suntory PepsiCo Beverage
I am using Manatal for talent sourcing and it is the best platform ever. I am so impressed, the Manatal team did an excellent job. This is so awesome I am recommending the solution to all recruiters I know.

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