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How To Make And Present A “What The Company Does” Presentation

By Kristin Kizer - Jan. 12, 2023
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Summary. There are many different occasions that may require your company to have a presentation on what your company does. Creating this presentation doesn’t need to be difficult or incredibly time-consuming. Keep reading because we’ve got the tips and information you need to make your company presentation successful.

Once you’ve nailed your presentation, it’s time to move on to the next steps, the 30/60/90-day plan template. It’s all about taking things one step at a time, and you’ll eventually be exactly where you want your company to be.

A “What the Company Does” presentation is just like it sounds; it’s a chance for you to tell people about what your company does. In a way, it’s a lot like writing a resume for your company, but it can also include a presentation element. No wonder it’s so difficult for many people to write. Coming up with humble brags about your company paired with public speaking can be really difficult.

The key to a great company presentation is taking it step by step and not thinking about the whole presentation as a daunting task.

Key Takeaways

  • A company presentation is easier to write if you break it down and take it step by step.

  • Your company presentation should be written so it is a standalone piece that doesn’t require an explanation.

  • Focus on the important sections of your company presentation and write them independently.

  • Make a presentation that’s easy to read, follow, and visually appealing.

  • Practice your presentation, so it sounds authentic and natural.

What Is a Company Presentation?

A company presentation is a way to quickly and efficiently tell people about your business. Each company will have a different presentation and may approach them in a different way. The goal is to succinctly explain what your company is, does, and offers.

Ideally, your company presentation should be crafted in a way that it can be a standalone piece and not require an actual live presentation. While you will find it beneficial to have a presentation you can use if you’re in a live setting, you’ll also enjoy having one that can be emailed to other parties and give them all the information they need.

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Sections In a Company Presentation

Each section in your company presentation will serve a purpose. By focusing on each section separately and designing it to sum up key data, you can more easily tackle the entire presentation. The following are key sections for most companies; remember that your company may differ, and the purpose behind your presentation may shift your section focus.

  • Who the Company Is

    This is the basic material, but it’s critical that you list the company’s name and address or headquarters. Adding a picture of your business is a nice touch to this introduction section.

  • What the Company Does

    Briefly describe what the company does, sells, or makes and who your customers are. This is the elevator pitch about the company, so it’s okay to brag a bit about your successes and your future trajectory – as long as you’re being honest.

  • About the Company

    Now that the audience knows who you are and what you do, give them a little background that cements the connection and provides insight. Tell them about the history, exciting facts, how the company has grown, any awards you’re proud of, etc.

    Cut this section down to the most important and most interesting information to give them a taste of your company without boring the audience with all of the details.

  • Highlight Leadership and Company Culture

    You can approach this from a personal perspective and define who you are and where you fit into the company hierarchy. You might want to highlight key players within the company, especially if they’re noteworthy in their field. Or you can display the company structure and put more focus on the culture.

    This section may be more involved and critical if your presentation is used for hiring and recruiting. In this situation, your audience is keyed into this data, so it will need more attention.

  • Define the Company’s Offering

    While you briefly touched on what your company does in the second section, in this one, you want to expand upon it and offer more information about your services and/or products. You also want to point out what makes your company better than the competition.

  • Clients and/or Partner Relationships

    This section can be minimal if your goal is to recruit new employees. It can be fairly extensive and important if the goal of the presentation is to sell your offering or earn new business.

    If your presentation is geared toward recruiting, then the logos of your key customers or partners will suffice. Perhaps you have both, and creating two slides is the best way to highlight your business.

    This section can also be expanded if your presentation is promotional and customer-generating in nature. Consider adding testimonials and examples of past projects.

  • Contact Information

    Finally, sum up your presentation with a page that clearly lists your contact information.

Tips for Making a What the Company Does Presentation

Creating a presentation can be the biggest hurdle. It’s not only about pulling together great and compelling content, but you’ll want it to have a professional look and feel. These tips will help.

  • Make the content easy to read or skim

  • Have a graphic designer or other professional create the visual element

  • Stick to your company logo and color template

  • Keep the brand in mind, so the presentation feels authentic

  • Use PowerPoint

  • Add relevant graphics and images but avoid extras that don’t tell the story

  • Create different versions of the presentation that you will send out, giving the recipient the option of how they want to open and view it

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Tips for Delivering a Company Presentation

The presentation is made and may often stand on its own, but there are times when you’ll have to do the presentation. These tips can help.

  • Practice the presentation, so it feels comfortable and natural

  • Use your presentation to lead your discussion and stick to the outline

  • Convey your passion for your company and brand

  • Aim for a short presentation that invites dialogue and questions

  • Prepare for questions and have information to back up your statements

  • Know your subject rather than memorize information

Company Presentation FAQ

  1. Why do I need a presentation about what my company does?

    Having a presentation about what your company does helps quickly identify your business and purpose. Customizing presentations for your immediate goal can help you build your business in a variety of ways. The original presentation can serve as the foundation, and a few slide changes will give you effortless options.

  2. Do I have to give my company presentation in person?

    Giving your company a presentation in person depends on the situation. It’s best to create a presentation that can stand on its own and be emailed to other people and to then practice so you feel comfortable giving the presentation in person or via video conference.

    The best company presentations visually hit the highlights, so there is no memorizing, and filling in extra information can come from memory or your passion about what your company does.

  3. How do I explain what my company does?

    Many times, having someone loosely affiliated with your company is the best way to get a summation of what your company does. When you’re a business insider, it’s easy to skip over key parts and use too much jargon for the average outsider.

    A great tip when you’re writing about what your company does is to ask spouses, friends, and business partners to describe what they see as your company’s offerings. You might get some great insight, and you can explain your business in a way that others can understand more clearly.


Kristin Kizer

Kristin Kizer is an award-winning writer, television and documentary producer, and content specialist who has worked on a wide variety of written, broadcast, and electronic publications. A former writer/producer for The Discovery Channel, she is now a freelance writer and delighted to be sharing her talents and time with the wonderful Zippia audience.

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