employees looking at hiring process hacks

How to Growth Hack Your Hiring Process

Every business started somewhere.

The major corporations haven't always been at the top.

However, now that they ARE at the top - they have deeper pockets they can dig into when they want to reach and gain new customers.

That's why I focus so much time on growth hacking.

Growth hacking gets results and levels the playing field. It gives you new powerful tools and takes away some of the protection that big businesses have.

It means you focus time and effort on the bottlenecks of your business.

You find flaws, rapidly pivot and try something new.

You use innovation and creativity as your primary tools to succeed.

In this week's video, I'll show you how you can use our talent funnel framework to cut your hiring process into pieces... allowing you to focus on the bottleneck areas that need it most.

Approach Hiring Like a Growth Hacker

Compute your numbers and identify bottleneck areas to finding top talent in your hiring process!

If your hiring process isn't generating the results you're aspiring for... You need to break your process down to find the root of the problem.

Start with


How many job seekers do you reach?

Job ad Views

How many people are we actually seeing your job ads?

Qualified Applicants

How many qualified people applied?

New Hires

How many people do you hire?


How many make it the first 90 days?


How many make it more than one year?


How many employees perform at/above expectations?


How many employees refer their friends?

Go and download our talent funnel, alter it a bit if you need to... but track your numbers and compute your conversion. Figure out exactly what you need to do next to improve the areas of your hiring process that are stunting your growth.

Use your creativity, your ambition, your obsessive and analytical mind as your tool and reap the benefits.

If creativity or change isn't your strong point... Borrow brilliance.

Watch as the smallest changes generate the greatest results.

Stay tuned and be on the lookout for the next video in our growth hacker series, we'll provide you with more funnels and extra materials so you can cut your hiring processes in pieces allowing you to focus your attention on the bottleneck areas that need it the most!

HR desk learning about talent funnel

Approach Hiring Like a Growth Hacker

Compute your numbers and identify bottleneck areas to finding top talent in your hiring process!

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