hr targeting job candidates with content marketing

Target The Right Candidates Using Content Marketing

Do you know who your target job seeker is? This is a question you should always ask yourself before you even consider posting a new job. What do they want in a position, what are they looking for in a manager, what are their fears and aspirations? Just like a marketer knows their target market, you should know your target job seeker through and through. It’s the first step in putting together content that will appeal to them and get them interested in applying for you over the competition.

How many times have you come across an ad that you scrolled right past, skipped immediately, or even worse... suffered through because there was no option to avoid it? Earlier this week I had a moment like this where I went through the familiar motions. The sigh, the eye roll, and while I waited for it to be over I started thinking about what it is that makes certain ads so unbearable. It just came down to my lack of interest in their content, because it likely wasn’t meant for me - I wasn’t their target market.

Hiring is just like marketing, your open jobs are your product and if you haven’t gotten to know your target job seeker and written your job ads specifically for them, they could be having this same experience every time they scroll past your job listings. That’s why in this week’s video I’m showing you how to identify, target, and attract your ideal applicants using the concept of content marketing.

Write Better Job Ads Today!

Download our "Guide to Writing a Killer Job Ad" that will walk you step-by-step through the process of writing job ads that get dramatic results.

Here are my four essential steps...

  1. Know your target audience
  2. Create content that will engage them
  3. Call them to act
  4. Reduce friction

Following these steps will not only help you engage more applicants but more of the RIGHT ones who are qualified and excited about the positions you’re advertising. Watch the video where I’ll dive deeper into each of these steps and how putting them into effect will draw the best candidates to your jobs.

Ready to write content that converts? Download our How To Write A Killer Job Ad Workbook for a step-by-step walkthrough on putting these tips into practice to increase your qualified applicant flow by 50-500%.

Learn how to write a killer job ad

Want to learn how to write better job ads?

Download our "Guide to Writing a Killer Job Ad" now! This guide will walk you step-by-step through the process of writing job ads that get dramatic results.

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