hr posting job listings

More Job Listings Does NOT Equal More Applicants

Maybe you're struggling to fill one specific position...

You decide you're going to repost the same listing in nearby cities in hopes of getting more applicants. It’s easy to imagine that more listings would equal more applicants, but you’re missing a vital consideration in this thought process - how works.

I like to think of Indeed as a search engine for jobs.

That’s why to increase your applicant flow, it’s important to include great keywords and searchable content in your job ads. If you think of search engines from the perspective of a marketer, you can’t just post the same content over and over to get more views - search engines like Google will penalize you for that.

Indeed works very similarly; they are the leading website for job advertising and an amazing resource for both companies and job seekers. To keep it that way, they work relentlessly to make sure the listings on their website are legitimate.

Your efforts are having the opposite effect from what you’re shooting for...

If your organization is posting the same job over and over again in cities nearby, Indeed can essentially see this as spam. That can get your organization blocked, which means you’d be losing out on posting to the biggest job board around!

In today’s video, I’m going to walk you through some tips on how to increase reach and engagement for your job listings without jeopardizing your relationship with Indeed and other job boards. Check it out.

Write Better Job Ads Today!

Download our "Guide to Writing a Killer Job Ad" that will walk you step-by-step through the process of writing job ads that get dramatic results.

There's a lot of circumstances where more is better.

For example, if you were placing physical fliers to get the word out about an event. Placing more in areas near each other would expand your reach. More fliers = more people who will see them right? Of course! So, if you're ever placing fliers, go ahead and pin-up as many as you want.

But make sure you don't try to apply the same concept when it comes to hiring for your company... That’s just not how it works!

Want to increase your reach without risking getting blocked on Indeed and other job boards? Download our guide on How To Write a Killer Job Ad and make sure your ad is engaging and effective before trying to push it out to additional sources.

We’ve proven time and time again that increasing the quality of your ad brings better results than the number of listings you post. Or, let our professional team of job ad writers take care of that for you.

Learn how to write a killer job ad

Want to learn how to write better job ads?

Download our "Guide to Writing a Killer Job Ad" now! This guide will walk you step-by-step through the process of writing job ads that get dramatic results.

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