5 pillars on computer representing hiring success

5 Pillars of Hiring Success

Pillars are often shown as a symbol of strength.

While I use them to show the strength of ideas, I also believe they can be used to show how complicated situations can be molded into a few basic support structures.

Over the years as I have implemented these 5 pillars of hiring success, I have watched as the strength of each pillar, when working and supporting the other, has ensured a continuous flow of qualified candidates.

In this week's video, I'll share with you the 5 pillars of success I let guide me as I help improve (and make the most out of) other's hiring processes.

Check it out.

6 Step Guide to Attracting the Right Applicants

Hiring is one thing, but hiring the right people that will fit in well with your company, bring valuable skills to the table, and work hard, is another. Follow these six steps and you'll be on your way to your own office dream team.

  1. Balance - Strike a balance between your wants and their wants. You'll find great success in improving your hiring process and your hiring results as you maintain that balance.
  2. Empathy - The ability for you to understand someone else's point of view and understands their fears, frustrations, and aspirations. Remember with empathy, you'll improve candidate experience and interest.
  3. Relationship Bank Account - Once you build a two-way relationship and have an understanding of their wants, needs, fears, etc. You can begin to make deposits into their bank account. You always want a positive bank account balance before you take away or make a request.
  4. Evolution - Whether you believe in evolution or not, remember the concept. Overtime you keep evolving based on the events around you and IT. NEVER. ENDS. Keep evolving as you respond to the constantly changing marketing conditions.
  5. Momentum - Make sure job seekers stay on the hook. You need to keep them actively engaged with continual communication so the momentum stays high and they don't move on to other opportunities.

Best practices are outdated. Slapping a job ad on a job board doesn't work.

Organizations have to work hard to recruit solid employees.

The United States is sitting at a record-low unemployment rate which is great for job-seekers but not so great for employers.

Competition for solid candidates is high.

No more letting recruiting come last on the to-do list.

Apply these 5 pillars to your organization's hiring process, let them fuel each other and you'll STAND OUT against your competitors. Allowing you to watch your recruitment rates improve with the qualified, loyal applicants you have dreamt of.

Not sure where to start in your recruiting process? Head over to our demo page and we'll set up a free demo, customized for your specific hiring needs.

You can also download my 6 step guide to attracting the right applicants.

Happy Hiring!

Attract the right applicants to your company

6 Step Guide to Attracting the Right Applicants

Hiring is one thing, but hiring the right people that will fit in well with your company, bring valuable skills to the table, and work hard, is another. Follow these six steps and you'll be on your way to your own office dream team.

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