video interview with applicant

Get the story a resume can't tell you by using video interviews!

It can be so hard to find the time to meet with everyone you want to interview for a job opening. Maybe you received 50 resumes and half of them look great on paper but you just don't have the time for 25 in-person interviews... so how do you whittle it down to a more manageable number of interviews? There has to be a solution... right?!

The answer is Automated Video Interviews!

What is an automated video interview?

It's a really helpful tool that allows your job candidates to send you a video interview that they complete on their own time. When they are done they send it to you to review when you have time.

It all starts with you creating unlimited job-specific interview questions that fit your company culture and the specific needs of each open position within your organization. (Or, if you need some help coming up with questions, you can choose from over 150 research-based, proven first-interview questions.) These pre-recorded questions are broken down into behavioral-based interviews to include topics such as coachability, motivation, purpose, and teamwork.

Once you find a candidate that you want to learn more about, you send them the video interview with all of your carefully thought out questions and...

Job Interview Questions

Download our list of 20 common interview questions that your candidates have likely considered before an interview.

Your candidate can complete their interviews anywhere, at any time, on any device!

It can be so difficult to schedule a time that works best for both you and your candidate to hop on a live call... especially if the candidate is already working a full-time job. Giving them the opportunity to easily register, record, and complete interviews on the go with their cell phones can, in turn, save YOU time and allow you to fill open positions with the right fit, as quickly as possible.

Is this fully integrated video screening solution available directly with ApplicantPro's ATS?

With our video interview integration, you can easily

  • Send video interview invitations with a click of a button.
  • View an applicant's interview results whenever it's convenient for you.
  • Easily track the status of each interview from start to finish.
  • Seamlessly share the results with your team, with the ability to leave notes for your associates.

This video interviewing solution makes it so much easier to find the right fit for your open positions in an honest, personal, and effective manner. You can read through 100 resumes, but you still may not be able to get a good feel for who these candidates are, so with this tool you can get the story a resume can't tell you!

If you want to learn more about this useful tool, click the button below to set up a time to chat with someone who can tell you more!

More Applicants. More Human. Less Time.

Let's Chat!

Job Interview Questions Applicant Tracking System

Need some ideas on what to ask or talk about during a job interview?

Download our list of 20 common interview questions that your candidates have likely considered before an interview.

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