
The Big Book of HR

The Big Book of HR will provide any HR professional, manager, or business owner of any size organization the information they need to get the most from their talent.

7 Things Engineers Want Recruiters and Employers to Know

Find out exactly what engineers wish recruiters and potential employers knew about hiring them.

Social Media and HR - Friends or Foes?

Social media is making a huge impact on the way we use the Internet, communicate with friends and family, network with business colleagues, gather information, and make decisions. In business, social media can provide unique opportunities to promote products and services, find and recruit talented employees, and deliver an interactive customer experience.

How An Applicant Tracking System Can Help Attract and Recruit Top Talent

Applicant Tracking Systems have become essential to the recruiting process of many companies and there are a few steps you can. take to determine which vendor offers the best ATS software for your. company.

Top 10 Tips for Effective Onboarding

Talent acquisition and retention is a huge priority to. organizations. Having an effective, 365-day on-boarding program is. critical to retaining new employees and reducing turnover costs.

12 Game-Changing Ideas for Years of Service Programs

Today's service award programs are asleep at the switch. For most employees, they are uninteresting, uninspiring and frankly underwhelming. Imagine a years of service experience that actually inspires your employees as they reach out to share stories, congratulate and show their colleagues why they matter.

5 Best Practices for Getting Your Employees Productive from Day One

What your new employee sees, hears, learns and feels on this first day of work - and the days and weeks that follow - will form the foundation of their employee experience.

The Talent Smart Stress Management Bundle

Learn to manage your emotions in times of stress and remain calm and in control.

Team Covenant -- A 54 page excerpt

An award-winning employee and organizational “contract” to build trust, relationships and continuous performance improvement.

9 Steps for Optimizing Job Ad ROI

Check out Appcast’s mini book to get the nine tips to improve job ad performance. Download the 9 Steps for Optimizing Job Ad ROI to understand how even the smallest changes in your job ads and apply process can make a huge impact on your recruitment spend.

4 Recruitment Benchmarks to Measure ROI

Download Appcast's whitepaper covering the 4 key recruitment metrics that are essential for employers to track and optimize for ROI. You’ll also learn how you can develop a data-driven approach to recruiting.

8 Shifts in Recruitment to Watch in 2018

Download Appcast's 8 Shifts in Recruitment to Watch in 2018 to understand how the latest advancements in the talent acquisition landscape will impact you in 2018 and what steps you can take to capitalize on these shifts.

2017 Recruitment Media Benchmark Report

In this benchmark report, Appcast analyzed 2016 pay-for-performance recruitment media from over 750 companies across every major industry. Learn the trends and results that leading employers are getting from their recruitment media.

The Guide to Performance Job Advertising

50% of job advertising spend is wasted due to ineffective ad buying practices. This can easily be limited with some basic blocking and tackling. This guide provides 7 essential best practices that can be implemented to lower advertising costs and generate better recruiting outcomes.

Talent Acquisition is Dead: Talent Attraction Takes Root

Acquiring talent has changed dramatically over the past few years, and organizations are embracing recruitment marketing techniques and are utilizing much different technology to break through the noise within the marketplace to be heard. This whitepaper, written by Tim Sackett, provides a simple strategy to start attracting the best talent to your organization.

Recruitment Analytics in a Programmatic Sourcing Era

In just the past five years, the metrics and KPIs used to measure recruitment advertising have shifted due to the emergence of new strategies such as programmatic job marketing. This paper explores those changes and recommends a mix of revised and new measures based on the industry’s changing landscape.

Robots in Recruiting: The Implications of AI on Talent Acquisition

This whitepaper, written by Allan Schweyer, examines the various ways that artificial intelligence (AI) is beginning to change the way recruiters find, engage and screen candidates.

A Comprehensive Toolkit to Recruiting & Hiring Excellence

Access the recruiting and hiring resources you need to make your next hire the right hire.