Folding a fitted sheet. A slow internet connection. Tangled earphones. Stepping in chewing gum…while wearing a brand new pair of shoes. Each of these scenarios is but a minor annoyance in contrast to the most dreaded terror of all: the annual performance review. Despite its prevalence in the workforce, the traditional annual review process is notably, almost comically flawed. But this isn’t exactly news: even back in 1997, a SHRM survey found that only 5% of companies were “very satisfied” with their performance review process. In 2012 – 15 years later – another SHRM survey found 45% of HR leaders thought reviews were a poor gauge of a worker’s performance.
And it’s not just leaders that can’t stand them – employees hate annual reviews, too. In 2015, another survey found that half of millennial employees aged 18-34 left their annual review meeting feeling they couldn’t do anything right, while 25% began to immediately look for another job. Surely, you say, there has to be a better way!
In this webinar, we’ll explore the pitfalls of the traditional annual performance review and learn how to move towards a more continuous model of feedback grounded in Appreciative Inquiry, a strength-based approach to individual and organizational effectiveness. You’ll discover…:
- Specific reasons to reinvent your annual performance review process
- Tips for transforming confrontational performance discussions into collaborative ones
- Practical advice for gradually (and successfully) shifting your coaching culture towards one of continuous improvement
August 22, 2018 11 AM PDT, 2 PM ET, 7 PM GMT
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