November, 2016

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Example Reference Check Questions


By the time you’re doing a reference check, you’re attached. You have high hopes that the hours you’ve spent trying to fill your open role are about to pay off, and you’ll be devastated if a candidate’s references don’t give the glowing reviews you want to hear.

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Why Do You Go To Work?


If you’re thinking “um…because I have to. What a stupid question,” this post is for you. Unless you don’t have to work, chances are you work because you have bills, rent, a family or some combination of the three. You probably don’t have the choice of whether or not you work, but you do have a choice to enjoy going to work or dreading it. What do you enjoy about your job?

Exercises 233

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12 massive blunders most recruiters are making right now

Greg Savage

Many recruiters are adapting and re-skilling as the market evolves. Most are not. Indeed, the majority continue with tactics that don’t work. Here are the top 12 blunders I see recruiters making everywhere. How do you rate ?

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Why You Should Avoid Hiring Cookie Cutter Employees


Don’t hire that cookie cutter employee – pleads Liz Ryan , CEO and Founder of Human Workplace. Although it is very tempting to hire the candidate that checks off every item on your list of hiring requirements, Ryan advises this could be a stagnating decision. “The only organization that would benefit from the arrival of a cookie cutter employee is one that plans to shut itself off from the world,” says Ryan.

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Ten Minute Onboarding: A High-Volume Hiring Formula

Speaker: Speakers

Transform hiring with Ten Minute Onboarding, the formula to hire fast, maximize efficiency, and ensure compliance. Learn how top employers: Reduce Candidate Dropoff: Improve retention and reduce hiring costs with engaging onboarding. Increase Operational Efficiency: Save time and labor with streamlined processes. Ensure Compliance: Minimize liability and avoid fines with accurate onboarding.

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7 Signs That A Negative Culture Is Affecting Your Business

ExactHire Recruiting

Financial metrics in any company will paint a picture of success or trouble. In many cases these are results of product, service, people, process or a combination of any of the above (maybe all of the above). The real issue resides with diagnosing what is causing the issue. A negative culture can have a toxic effect on any organization. However, defining the causes of a negative culture can be challenging so you must look for the signs and signals that point to a negative culture. 1) The Primary

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More Trending

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8 Quick Tricks to Level Up Your Cold Recruiting Emails


You spent hours poring over your manager’s sourcing tips from your last 1:1, polled your friends to see which one of four recruiting emails they’d actually reply to, and even put holidays like National Cupcake Day (that’s today, by the way) on your calendar so you could have something to talk about in your LinkedIn messages. Still, your reach-outs must have an invisible “I’m not worth replying to” sign on them, because your response rate hovers at around 0%.

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What Millennial Restaurant Workers Need From Employers


The millennial generation is the first to come of age in the new millennium (thus the name), which is notable in itself. But this generation is interesting in a variety of ways, especially in how it differs from the Baby Boomers and Generation Xers that hire them. If you’re a restaurant owner or manager, you’ve noticed some of this generation’s distinctive features (according to Pew Research ): More racially/ethnically diverse than GenXers and Baby Boomers.

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10 Reasons Why You Should Include Salary Ranges In Your Job Ads

NPA Worldwide

Today, Michelle Burke from Social Talent (an NPAworldwide Endorsed Program) shares with us her 10 reasons why you should include salary ranges in your job ads. Michelle is a Content Marketing Executive at Social Talent, providing training in internet recruitment, sourcing, headhunting techniques and much more. Find more of her articles on the Social Talent Blog.

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Top 5 Screening Best Practices


You developed the job profile, wrote the description and posted it to your engaging careers website. Congratulations. You just mixed a job well done with a hungry job market. In other words, you just loaded the water with a whole lotta’ chum. Now you get to sit back, hold on tight, and wait for the sharks to circle. Just kidding. A million responses to your carefully crafted post won’t mean anything if you can’t pick the great white out of the pack.

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The Complete People Management Toolkit

From welcoming new team members to tough termination decisions, each employment lifecycle phase requires a balance of knowledge, empathy & legal diligence.

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What You Need to Know About Connecticut Ban the Box Legislation

ExactHire Recruiting

Out with the old and in with the new…New Year that is. 2017 is rapidly approaching and will bring many changes to us and our country. Personal resolutions for positive change and the inauguration of a new President are two “New Year 2017” life changing events that immediately pop into mind. For individuals with a conviction history who seek employment in Connecticut, January 1, 2017 is not just the beginning of another year; it offers new life changing opportunities for those individual

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How to Build Your Personal Brand in 5 Minutes a Day

Social Talent

When you spend your days juggling recs, meeting with clients and hiring managers, and (we hope!) trying to offer a high-quality experience to the dozens of candidates that you are dealing with at any given time, it’s easy to put building your personal brand on the back-burner. But contrary to popular belief, building your personal brand doesn’t need to be a hugely time-consuming task for recruiters.

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Here Are the Top 3 Predictors of Satisfaction for Women at Work


Corporate America is still largely dominated by men. Fortunately, a lot of companies are trying to change that, starting with building more inclusive cultures.

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How To Start Salary Negotiations Off On The Right Foot

Spark Hire

There’s a slight disagreement about whether or not employees are being paid fairly. A 2016 report from Payscale found that while 73 percent of employers feel they offer fair pay, only 36 percent of employees agreed. As a recruiter, you’re in a unique position to help close that gap because often you’re the first person to begin discussion about salary negotiations with candidates.

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.

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The Future of Recruitment Marketing Looks Like This

Symphony Talent

It looks like a room full of practitioners, analysts and vendors sharing their best-kept secrets to success, their biggest failures and their vision of the future, no holds. The post The Future of Recruitment Marketing Looks Like This appeared first on SmashFly Blog.

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How Hiring Freelancers Can Help Grow Your Business


Freelancing is a relatively new phenomenon as a business strategy and dates back to the early 90s. It has gained increasing popularity alongside the growth of the internet. The decision to hire freelancers is often considered a strategic move and can definitely be a way to grow your business. With over 50 million practicing freelancers and online platforms, such as Upwork or Workhoppers , it has never been easier to hire the right freelancer to get your jobs done.

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Should I Ask This on the Employment Application?

ExactHire Recruiting

Useful Employment Application Guidelines Whether the positions an organization is seeking to fill are temporary or permanent, it is important for Human Resources representatives to reflect on the content included in their organization’s employment application(s) to determine if the content is within the scope of fair hiring practices. In this blog, I’ll identify a few employment application audit ideas to help you determine whether you need to eliminate or rephrase any questions that could lead

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7 Incredibly Useful FREE Online Recruitment Resources/Tools

Social Talent

At Social Talent we’re all about working smarter so that you can live happier, and very often working smarter means utilising a range of specially designed online recruitment resources and tools to help you get the job done. Over the years, we’ve introduced you to numerous online tools each with one purpose and one purpose only, to make your working life easier.

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Hiring for Culture Fit: Align Your Values, Roles and Candidates

Speaker: Dr. Craig Ellis, Head of I-O Psychology, HighMatch

Is the term “culture” just a buzzword tossed around at your organization, or have you delved into the core values and behaviors that truly define a good fit for your company? In this webinar, Dr. Craig Ellis, an I-O Psychologist, will share a proven framework to identify the essential traits that contribute to a seamless fit within your unique culture, not just in your current successful employees but also in prospective candidates.

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26 Winning Employee Nicknames: A Directory from A to Z


From Wisconsin? Wisconsinite. Berlin? Berliner. There are Chicagoans, Clevelanders, Barcelonians, and Vermonters. When you're proud of your hometown, you rep it, and you happily embrace a nickname that connects you to your neighbors. Today, many candidates are searching for that same deep sense of belonging in the workplace. That pride that drives them to identify as a Baltimorean or Bostonian?

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A Deep Look at the Data: How Are Veterans Doing in Today’s Workforce?


In the past few years veteran employment has been brought to the forefront of hiring conversations, in part because of Joining Forces — a national initiative that aims to provide employment, education and wellness services to U.S. military veterans. Through this program, more than 50 companies have pledged to hire more than 110,000 veterans and military spouses over the next five years.

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The Complete Social Recap of SmashFly Transform™

Symphony Talent

2 days. 13 hours. 4 keynotes. 10 sessions. 2,000+ tweets. 250+ recruitment marketing leaders. 3,000+ live streamers. 1 epic after party. THIS is the first-ever Recruitment Marketing Conference, The post The Complete Social Recap of SmashFly Transform™ appeared first on SmashFly Blog.

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The Secrets to Developing a Social Media Recruiting Strategy


Ever since the recruitment process went social, the standards, strategies and practices have changed to adapt with the times. The increased use and accessibility of social media platforms has opened the virtual flood gates for the commercialization of these technologies. As such, businesses have found new ways to interact and promote themselves to their target audience.

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Get a Look Inside The Ultimate Recruiter Planning Kit

As recruiting teams work harder than ever to find, hire, and onboard qualified candidates in this highly competitive market, it’s essential to find ways to optimize your recruiting function. The Ultimate Recruiter Planning Kit includes eight worksheets filled with labor market insights, actionable recruiting strategies, and worksheets to plan your strategy for hiring top talent.

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How to Make Social Media Work for Your Recruiting Process

ExactHire Recruiting

These days, social media is about the best way for job seekers to see what’s out there and for hiring managers to find job seekers. Leveraging the community that social media sites provide can be an extremely effective way to source talent. However, there are some things to remember. You have to understand the site is merely a platform. Simply being on the site will not generate results.

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Retain Top Talent Before It’s Too Late (Infographic)

Social Talent

Did you know that companies lose $11 billion on average every year due to employee turnover? Not exactly pocket change now, is it?! When you put it into context, $11 billion would buy you 7 Burj Khalifas in Dubai, the tallest building in the world. And if that isn’t prime real estate, we don’t know what is! Let’s face it. Every recruiter makes bad hires from time to time.

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When and How to Use Different Interview Techniques


In most organizations (if not all), interviewing candidates is an imperfect practice. Interviewing can help you find your ideal hire, but it also sometimes results in the downright wrong hire. While it can be nearly impossible to completely eliminate all bad hires, trying different interview techniques can certainly help you reduce them.

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4 Tips for Conducting an Effective Behavioral Interview

Glassdoor for Employers

The interview process is where you have the most control over who fills your employee roster. Behavioral-based interviewing is a technique used.

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Small HR, Big Impact: Boosting Employee Engagement and Excellence with Innovative HR Tech

Speaker: Aino Ilkka - People and Culture Lead at KAITO Insight

In the fast-paced landscape of small growth companies, harnessing the power of HR technology is the key to achieving remarkable results in employee engagement and HR management. Aino Ilkka, People and Culture Leader, will share practical tips and lessons learned through case stories and cover how to successfully source, implement, and scale HR tech for the best ROI.

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Why You Should Hire for Potential (Not Experience)


Interviewing is hard. It’s tough to assess a candidate’s potential, and all to easy to rely on job requirements and experience. If you’re looking to improve quality of hire, focusing on potential and a candidate’s ability to grow within your organisation could give you better results than just looking for required experience.

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The Best Times to Find the Perfect Intern


For small and underfunded companies, interns are a fantastic way to get some extra, eager, and competent hands on deck at a far less prohibitive cost—while contributing to the success of future professionals and entrepreneurs. Identifying the right time to post jobs, however, can be a tad tricky. Post too early, and potential interns won’t be looking yet.

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How Does a High-Engagement Culture Drive Business Results?

ExactHire Recruiting

Our world of work is evolving to become more complex and competitive every day. However, the labor force is simultaneously shrinking as a result of shifting generational patterns and a widening skills gap. This clash of variables has created an unprecedented set of dynamics in almost every business environment. Ever-changing technology, globalization, environmental concerns, resource constraints, and a host of other issues are escalating in complexity and competitiveness such that achieving busi

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